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  • Thanks for checking out my journal TKMK. It’s transitioning from build out to grow journal any moment now so you popped in at a good time. See ya round the inter webs.
    :happy-birthday: I hope you're having a wonderful day!
    True that. I wonder if I’ll ever use it at 100% - it chucks 2800 ppfd. The 3 channels with IR and UV controlled separately is pretty swish and with a proper controller you could come up with some amazing sunrise/sunset light Rx’s. They sell a decent touchscreen one for 100$ but I’ve hit my budget limit for now. I’m working on an accurate par map tool using a lux meter app and data from an independent lab test that breaks down the total light into its nanometer particulars. That’ll tell us how much light outside the lux meters limited range is present as a percentage of the total, and we can then add that onto the lux measurements. I want to be able to know exactly how many ppfds I am hitting the canopy with at different strengths or heights and thus be capable of using exactly the recommended light, and eventually come up with our own light prescriptions for different genetics and stages of growth for each individual’s light setup. Since all manufacturers have these tests done it is possible to come up with a formula for every light, just no one’s done it yet. There will be an error factor of course but the benefit would be tremendous. Sync that up with the vapor pressure deficit, correct simple nutes, and tight nugs the size of your forearm will be there for the clipping. And maybe more importantly, new growers will have success sooner and more likely become old growers.
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