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  • Coneal49
    GaiaKatnip looks like you are having same issues I'm having definitely check your ph I think it's a phosphorus diffency. Found a good article today about it. Question: have you flushed them. Ohh and I hope I have the right person day 30 right??? I'm still figuring this forum out never joined a forum before lol 😂.
    Did you guys hear that Schumanns Resonance was good for plants? I leave it playing for her in her area. It's the 7.83 Hz and the other is 432hz for healing plants on nature's own frequency.
    There is actual a few amusing studies on musics affect on plants during the grow stages.... Oddly enough classical and heavy metal are the two genres that have shown promising results in growth.... Actually I believe myth busters did this one.
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    We listen to music. On watering or days I work on her, I use 432 hz frequency music...other days she listens to Schumann Resonance at 7.83hz. I talk to her. I have not done the movie thing....YET.
    #krazyplantlady 🤣 I'm just crazy about her.
    Yea during my tent time I smoke herb, listen to music, and talk to mine.... I know it's just the fan making leaves move but sometimes it feels like they respond/listen 😁...... Or I've just hit my bowl to many times 🤣.... Either way I enjoy our time.
    I thought that once too🤣🤣🤣🤣
    I knew I was fried🤣
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