
  1. Katelyn Baker

    States That Approved Medical Cannabis See 25% Plunge In Prescription Overdose Deaths

    From a libertarian point of view, there's no reason that the government should be regulating plants in the first place. From a health perspective, the fact that marijuana still isn't legalized all across the United States is even more frustrating. Even though new evidence isn't needed to justify...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    Law, Order And The Wall - Would Trump And Pence Fuel The Drug War?

    Writing about what drug policy might look like under a Trump administration is not easy. Donald Trump's views on drugs have changed radically over the years, and the Republican nominee's rambling statements on the subject suggest that they are shaped by gut reactions and political opportunism...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabis Threatens To Disrupt The Pharmaceutical Industry

    Oftentimes, we don't know the answer even when it's right in our face. There has been a torrent of news about fentanyl, the deadly opioid that killed Prince. Our country is awash in this stuff, and it's killing us. Here's the skeleton narrative: drug manufacturers use opioids to create...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabis Threatens To Disrupt The Pharmaceutical Industry

    Oftentimes, we don't know the answer even when it's right in our face. There has been a torrent of news about fentanyl, the deadly opioid that killed Prince. Our country is awash in this stuff, and it's killing us. Here's the skeleton narrative: drug manufacturers use opioids to create...
  5. RedBudPH

    First Grow - Philippine Bag Seed

    As the nation celebrates for our newly elected President, that has a solid program against illegal drugs. He declared his war on drugs which involves the Plant, that is still illegal on the country. But there's hope on medical cannabis and there are some videos on the web that our newly elected...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Michigan State Police To Begin Swabbing Drivers Suspected Of Being Impaired

    Michigan will begin a one-year pilot test program later this year that allows trained state police officers to take roadside saliva drug tests from drivers whom they suspect are driving while impaired from drugs. Five counties, to be chosen by state police from areas where the most drug-related...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    It's Time To Rethink Criminalizing Marijuana Possession

    A chance to take a more realistic approach on marijuana laws quietly passed last week. An effort failed 6,000 signatures short last week of gathering enough names to put a measure on the November ballot that, if approved, would have had police issue citations for possession of small amounts of...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    The Journey To Decriminalizing Weed - Why It Is Important For Ghana

    There is a significant academic debate about decriminalization of marijuana in the country, and this has received some degree of political and public support. Some have argued that decriminalization will open a floodgate for drug use in the country, while others (like myself), do not agree...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    Fighting The War On Drugs By Treating Addicts With Substitution

    The "war on drugs" has accomplished little in the eyes of detractors, except for criminalizing those in need of help and fostering violence at the hands of criminals. After more than four decades of the drug war, the globe faces a crisis of prescription drug abuse, a meth epidemic, a growing...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    The Times Calls For Decriminalisation Of All Illegal Drugs

    The Times has boldly gone where few newspapers - and very, very few politicians - have ever dared to go before by declaring itself in favour of legalising drugs in Britain. In a leading article, "Breaking Good", the paper has supported a call on the government by the Royal Society for Public...
  11. R

    Medical Marijuana May Be On Missouri's November Ballot

    It's not a done deal, but a medical marijuana proposal is closer to being on Missouri's fall ballot. Over the weekend, petition signatures totaling some 250-thousand were turned in to the Secretary of State's office. That's thousands more than required to get the issue before voters. An...
  12. W

    Back pain and sleeping

    What would you recommend the best way of transitioning from quite a few prescription drugs to mmj? Thanks weaviem
  13. R

    Canada Is Legalising Cannabis, Here Is Why The UK Should Too

    Who should control the production and supply of drugs : Governments or gangsters? That's the choice that politicians face — there's no third option in which drugs don't exist. Unlike the UK, Canada has recognised this reality. The country's health minister announced last week that the...
  14. R

    A Brief History Of Marijuana Law In America

    In 1996, California voters approved Proposition 215, the first legislation legalizing marijuana for medical purposes at the state level. Since then, 22 other states, along with he District of Columbia and Guam, have enacted some form of medical marijuana law, and more states appear poised to...
  15. R

    CA: Roadside Swabbing Bill Draws Ire Of Medical Marijuana Advocates

    California legislators are weighing whether to allow the use of roadside swab samples to find drivers under the influence of drugs. Assemblyman Tom Lackey retired after 28 years with the California Highway Patrol, but says he's still passionate about safety on California's roadways. "We've...
  16. R

    Could This Be The Year Of Medical Marijuana And Decriminalization In Mexico?

    Mexico could legalize certain forms of medical marijuana as well as raise the threshold for what is considered decriminalized consumer possession by the end of this year, and may begin considering licit domestic cultivation of substances including cannabis and opium, say senior officials and...
  17. R

    Top Medical Experts Say We Should Decriminalize All Drugs And Maybe Go Even Further

    A group of 22 medical experts convened by Johns Hopkins University and The Lancet have called today for the decriminalization of all nonviolent drug use and possession. Citing a growing scientific consensus on the failures of the global war on drugs, the experts further encourage countries and...
  18. R

    Is Big Pharma Worried About Medical Cannabis

    Studies show patients weaning themselves off pharmaceuticals and alcohol. Pain sufferers can wean themselves off heavy pain relievers, alcohol and other drugs as they increase their use of medical cannabis, according to Canadian researchers. Canada is leading the world in medical cannabis...
  19. R

    Wales: How Many Of Us Would Buy Cannabis If It Was Sold In High Street Shops?

    We've looked at how legalisation works around the world - and just how common drugs are in Wales. The Lib Dems have adopted a plan to legalise cannabis shops as their party policy. Their party wants to see: Licensed shops sell cannabis to over 18s The strength of cannabis regulated...
  20. R

    New Zealand: Time To Regulate The Cannabis Industry

    Currently, the New Zealand cannabis industry is worth millions of dollars per year and is totally unregulated due to the legal status of cannabis. This has led to all sale and distribution being controlled by career criminals who have no ethics when it comes to selling this product to children...
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