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    Oregon Proposes New Rules For Medical Marijuana Production

    Oregon's medical marijuana advocates say the state's proposed rules for production impose expensive and unnecessary burdens on growers and will ultimately harm patients who rely on the drug to cope with a wide range of health problems. The Oregon Health Authority's draft rules, set to take...
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    Windsor's Medical Marijuana Lounge Can't Use Ashtrays

    Ramsin Ishaq can smoke his medically prescribed marijuana all day long at a new vaping lounge in downtown Windsor, but health officials say he can't flick the ash from his joint in an ash tray. That's because health officials ordered the owner of Higher Limits lounge to remove all ashtrays...
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    Israel: Clalit's 'Refusal' To Allow Drs To Prescribe Medical Cannabis Spurs Protest

    The largest health fund Clalit Health Services, has instructed its doctors not to prescribe medical cannabis to patients when its use becomes fully regulated and pharmacies will be able to fill their prescriptions. The other three health funds reportedly agree that doctors' prescribing...
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    NY Health Department Sponsoring Medical Cannabis Drug Study

    New York's Department of Health is sponsoring research on the use of a pharmaceutical-grade medical cannabis drug to treat children with severe epilepsy. The department announced the studies Wednesday. They'll be open to 100 children and young adults whose epilepsy has resisted other...
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    Oregon Cannabis Research Task Force And Scientific Advisory Committee Meetings

    There are several integral meetings regarding the Cannabis industry and the rights of patients and all consumers this week, here are two for your calendar: The Cannabis Research Task Force will meet January 26. This is the third and final meeting of the Oregon Task Force on Researching the...
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    Israel Seeks To Let General Practitioners Prescribe Cannabis

    Israel could be just six months away from allowing general practitioners to prescribe cannabis, Health Minister Yaakov Litzman said Wednesday. Litzman is leading a reform of the Health Ministry's medical cannabis policy that seeks to devolve the authority to prescribe the drug from the...
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    Israel Seeks To Let General Practitioners Prescribe Cannabis

    Israel could be just six months away from allowing general practitioners to prescribe cannabis, Health Minister Yaakov Litzman said Wednesday. Litzman is leading a reform of the Health Ministry's medical cannabis policy that seeks to devolve the authority to prescribe the drug from the...
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    B.C. Health Minister To Push For Pot Reforms, Regulated Sales Outlets

    British Columbia's Health Minister says he will use meetings with his provincial and federal counterparts this week in Vancouver to push for recreational marijuana to be sold in locations that are strictly regulated and inspected, such as special kiosks at liquor stores. Terry Lake also said...
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    South Africa: Marijuana Activism Scores, Big Pharma Equalizes

    1. For the winners To begin, a small story that would grow up one day to be a big story. The year was 1969, the place was Harvard University, and the story was fighting for its young and neglected life. It had come into the world in 1967, when a man by the name of Lester Grinspoon decided to...
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    Israel: Haredi Health Minister Releases Plan To Legalize Medical Marijuana

    Israel's haredi Minister of Health Rabbi Yaakov Litzman published a plan today to legalize the widespread production and sale of medical marijuana, Ynet reported. Litzman, a top member of the Ashkenazi haredi United Torah Judaism Party, wants there to be no restrictions on the number of...
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    Israel: Haredi Health Minister Releases Plan To Legalize Medical Marijuana

    Israel's haredi Minister of Health Rabbi Yaakov Litzman published a plan today to legalize the widespread production and sale of medical marijuana, Ynet reported. Litzman, a top member of the Ashkenazi haredi United Torah Judaism Party, wants there to be no restrictions on the number of...
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    New York: PTSD, Other Diseases Not Added To Medical Marijuana List

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder will not qualify New Yorkers for medical marijuana – at least not yet, the state health department said Monday. Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker determined there was not enough evidence of effectiveness to allow medical marijuana be prescribed for PTSD...
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    Ammonia smelling buds - Cause and health issues?

    (I could't find a suitable topic on the website, so I thought that asking in the growers forum makes the most sense, since you are the guys with the most experience with curing and encounters with mold, illnesses, bad storing and that kind of stuff — feel free to redirect me to another forum if...
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    Hawaii Department Of Health Selects BioTrackTHC For Its Seed-To-Sale Tracking

    The Hawaii Department of Health's Office of Health Care Assurance has selected BioTrackTHC as the winner apparent for its state contract for tracking the production, transportation and sale of medical marijuana. "The development of a healthy and successful medical cannabis program is a top...
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    New Mexico: AG Says State Can't Conceal Names Of Medical Pot Producers

    In a strongly worded letter, New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas said Monday that a Department of Health proposal to disclose the identities of licensed nonprofit producers of medical cannabis doesn't go far enough to abide by the state's open records law. Balderas contends that state...
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    Mental Health Practitioner Says Marijuana Helps Symptoms Of PTSD

    A local Adult Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner who treats PTSD has been pushing for years for the feds to essentially legalize medical marijuana. It's legal here in New Mexico but the federal laws still muddys things for patients. "I mean it turns people's lives around,"...
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    Mental Health Practitioner Says Marijuana Helps Symptoms Of PTSD

    A local Adult Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner who treats PTSD has been pushing for years for the feds to essentially legalize medical marijuana. It's legal here in New Mexico but the federal laws still muddys things for patients. "I mean it turns people's lives around,"...
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    Legalities Sending Nova Scotia Medical Pot Efforts Up In Smoke

    A lawsuit, expensive pot, unpaid contractors and stalled projects are the harvest Nova Scotia has reaped from changes to the rules governing the cultivation and sale of medical marijuana. In April 2014, Health Canada brought down rules meant to stop people with prescriptions for medical...
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    Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Prepare To Open Doors In N.Y.

    Armed with New York state medicinal marijuana licenses, dispensaries are gearing up to sell cannabis legally in the state in the new year. The cannabis experiment continues as medicinal marijuana use becomes more widespread. New York state, as an example, has rolled out dispensary licenses...
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    Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Prepare To Open Doors In N.Y.

    Armed with New York state medicinal marijuana licenses, dispensaries are gearing up to sell cannabis legally in the state in the new year. The cannabis experiment continues as medicinal marijuana use becomes more widespread. New York state, as an example, has rolled out dispensary licenses...
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