organic supersoil

  1. Slammy Pajama

    420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By Slammy Pajama

    :cheer: AND SO IT BEGINS!! :cheer: Ol' Slammy Pajammy was quite thrilled to see a little FedEx package awaiting our arrival home today!! The fantastic folks down at @Weed Seeds Express did everything in their power to make sure these seeds made it down to me here in Australia, even through...
  2. Slammy Pajama

    Slammy Pajammy's Indoor Organic Supersoil Ladies, 2019! 2nd Ever!

    Hey everybody! Long-time lurker, first-time journaler! I'm looking to try and give back to the community that I have intermittently participated in for the duration of my first grow! I'm not a hugely organised guy, so I wasn't keeping a very consistent (physical) grow journal for my first grow...
  3. Itsagas69

    Benefits of azomite, glacial rock dust etc & their properties

    I have Just been having a nose to find alternative to azomite And come across this useful information of all sorts of mineral's and the pros and cons.Pros and cons of different rock dust's
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