
  1. jmrl

    Digital Infringement?

    Hey there, I hope this is a good spot for this. Hope you're all doing well! I've been mulling over something and thought I'd shoot you a quick message. So, here's the thing: When I post a pic on our platform, what exactly are my rights? I'm not stressing or anything, just curious. Like, once I...
  2. LostCoastAutos

    Hi, I'm Jon aka Lostcoastautos - Photographer and Grower

    Hello growmies. My name is Jon, I go by Lostcoastautos on the internet. I'm a Humboldt County local who has been working on grows since I was a teenager. Over a decade. I started my first indoor grow in early 2023. I'm the sole cultivator of said grow and really enjoy growing awesome autoflowers...
  3. Splash


    Splash Fine Art Photograph
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