powdery mildew

  1. 20240120_130852 64mg aspirin in 1L 140º distilled water.jpg

    20240120_130852 64mg aspirin in 1L 140º distilled water.jpg

    For aspirin PM spray test
  2. 20240120_131552 yucca powder.jpg

    20240120_131552 yucca powder.jpg

    For aspirin PM spray test
  3. 20240122_092036 QGa3 pistil aspirin spray test.jpg

    20240122_092036 QGa3 pistil aspirin spray test.jpg

    Queen G auto 2
  4. 2024_01_21_09_31_07_021 RTa tester before aspirin dunk.png

    2024_01_21_09_31_07_021 RTa tester before aspirin dunk.png

    Ruby Tuesday auto
  5. 2024_01_21_09_58_46_547 RTa tester before aspirin dunk.png

    2024_01_21_09_58_46_547 RTa tester before aspirin dunk.png

    Ruby Tuesday auto
  6. 2024_01_21_09_58_59_782 RTa tester before aspirin dunk.png

    2024_01_21_09_58_59_782 RTa tester before aspirin dunk.png

    Ruby Tuesday auto
  7. 2024_01_21_09_59_39_069 RTa tester before aspirin dunk.png

    2024_01_21_09_59_39_069 RTa tester before aspirin dunk.png

    Ruby Tuesday auto
  8. 2024_01_21_10_00_43_161 RTa tester before aspirin dunk.png

    2024_01_21_10_00_43_161 RTa tester before aspirin dunk.png

    Ruby Tuesday auto
  9. 2024_01_21_10_01_12_655 RTa tester before aspirin dunk.png

    2024_01_21_10_01_12_655 RTa tester before aspirin dunk.png

    Ruby Tuesday auto
  10. 2024_01_22_01_06_43_711 RTa tester after aspirin dunk.png

    2024_01_22_01_06_43_711 RTa tester after aspirin dunk.png

    Ruby Tuesday auto
  11. 2024_01_22_01_07_11_516 RTa tester after aspirin dunk.png

    2024_01_22_01_07_11_516 RTa tester after aspirin dunk.png

    Ruby Tuesday auto
  12. 2024_01_22_01_08_09_792 RTa tester after aspirin dunk.png

    2024_01_22_01_08_09_792 RTa tester after aspirin dunk.png

    Ruby Tuesday auto
  13. 2024_01_22_01_08_35_837 RTa tester after aspirin dunk.png

    2024_01_22_01_08_35_837 RTa tester after aspirin dunk.png

    Ruby Tuesday auto
  14. 2024_01_22_01_09_25_837 RTa tester after aspirin dunk.png

    2024_01_22_01_09_25_837 RTa tester after aspirin dunk.png

    Ruby Tuesday auto
  15. PlumberSoCal

    Pest Control Outdoors

    From aphids to spider mites to slugs/snails to mice/rats to moth larvae to PM and fungus rot, growing outside can become a smorgasbord for pests and leave us with little to show for our time and effort. We must be careful what we use to control pests as most of us plan to ingest parts of the...
  16. Chessa

    New Grower from Michigan!

    Hey fellow growers! This year was my first outdoor organic grow! I started with white widow and OG kush short summer plants! Everything was perfect. My plants all thrived and were absolutely perfect. I started having issues when I started my cure process. I've had some problems with Mold and/or...
  17. hazeluv69

    Powdery mildew - help

    Hi guys; have noticed some powdery mildew. I have been using some guard ‘n’ spray a few times, rubbed them with wet towels etc, not the worst of pm but it’s present. Any help would be much appreciated ! Neem oil? Milk? P.S IM IN VEG
  18. IMG_20220405_132659.jpg


    White widow got bud rot
  19. 20210119_124309 CG2 PM.jpg

    20210119_124309 CG2 PM.jpg

    Colombian Gold PM
  20. 20200511_174612 GT.jpg

    20200511_174612 GT.jpg

    Golden Tiger harvest, flip day 73
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