
  1. M

    Slight leave curling

    Hi first time poster here my week old white widow ladies i have noticed slight curling of the leaves i believe it's ph related. I am feeding 2 day rested tap water with a ph of 6.5 in biobiz light mix soil under leds.any ideas guys thanks
  2. A

    Slight leaf curl - What's the cause and should I be worried!

    I noticed this slight leaf curl today should I be worried and what could be the cause! It's possible the smaller plants are from overwatering because of the flushed soil when I transplanted. But the bigger plant hasn't been watered in 6 days today. I was planning on watering tonight...
  3. C

    10 weeks

    Amnesia Haze Auto Fem from CropKing Seeds. 10 weeks from seed under led. Looking pretty good except I can't figure out a slight nutrient problem..any ideas?
  4. S

    Hi - Newbie needs a little help

    I have 1 2 month old plant the leaves are undergoing some slight (I hope) issue it looks like slight calcium staining like water spots you might see on a glass out of the dishwasher. I think it might be killing the leaves though so I am worried but too inexperienced to know if or what it is. I...
  5. P

    Slight curling on seedlings

    Note slight curling. The ph is 7.0, lights 8"-12" from plant, small fan . Bubba Kush 2.5 weeks old. Whats up? Too much light? It is the same reading as open shade.
  6. M

    First Grow - Day 17 Of Flowering For My Auto Blueberry - Any & All Advice Welcome

    She has also been topped and slight Lst.
  7. R

    Troubleshooting discoloring issue

    This is my first grow. One of my plants has developed some slight yellowing with some darker discoloring on the bottom of the leaves. The leaves seem dry but i water them regularly, and one is starting to develop a slight curl. I'm thinking my Ph might be a little high, or I may have used a...
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