
  1. Ron Strider

    ME: Edibles Grab Larger Share Of Medical Marijuana Market

    Every few days, Chad Crandall and Emily Isler take a break from tending to the chickens, pigs and crops and head to the kitchen to cook up their weekly supply of marijuana-infused maple sugar candies. The soft-spoken caregivers sell their sweet little confections, which are made from their...
  2. Ron Strider

    Ohio Employers Confront Marijuana Use

    Ohio may be growing more open to marijuana use, but its businesses aren't. But they don't really have much of a choice. Tones could change if overarching state and federal laws related to use of medical cannabis do. But until then, laws are making it quite difficult for any employer to...
  3. Ron Strider

    OR: Growing Green: Wholly Hemp Farm Brings The Hemp Industry To Klamath

    Looking over their field of 5,000 thriving hemp plants, Marianne and Marvin Yong, the owners of Wholly Hemp Farm, said their mission is to educate the Klamath Falls community about the industrial plant's potential, ranging from textiles to building material to medicine. "It got kind of lumped...
  4. Ron Strider

    As Trump Wages War On Legal Marijuana, Military Veterans Side With Pot

    The Trump administration's attack on legal marijuana, already stymied by large states determined not to roll back the clock, is increasingly confronting an even more politically potent adversary: military veterans. Frustrated by federal laws restricting their access to a drug many already...
  5. Ron Strider

    CO: Determined Little Guys Chase Cannabis Dream

    The Steinkamp family's aggie roots go deep, back four generations. But not here in Colorado. If family tradition ruled, Jason Steinkamp would be raising corn and soybeans in Minnesota, running machines around the family's 2,000-acre farm. "We're a wholesome family. Midwestern Christians,"...
  6. Ron Strider

    Canada: Veterinarians Voice Concerns Of Growing Trend Of Cannabis Treatment For Pets

    Some pet owners are turning to cannabis therapy for their pets, but without regulations or guidelines for usage, some veterinarians are raising questions about whether medical marijuana is safe for animals. Cannabis products for pets are often used to treat osteoarthritis pain, anxiety and...
  7. Ron Strider

    MA: Pot Taxes Could Hit 20 Percent Under Compromise Bill

    More than two weeks after blowing their self-imposed deadline to create a marijuana bill, state representatives and senators reached a compromise that would tax pot by as much as 20 percent. A committee of three state reps and three state senators had been working to merge House and Senate...
  8. Ron Strider

    Medical Marijuana Is Preferred By 93% Of Patients For Pain Management

    A new study has investigated what patients themselves prefer when it comes to managing pain – opioids, which are widely distributed for intense pain relief, or medical marijuana. The researchers found that the patients themselves much prefer medical marijuana, and many believe it is just as...
  9. Ron Strider

    Ohio's Aspiring Marijuana Growers: A Closer Look

    Long-time natives and carpetbaggers. Construction magnates, toy tycoons, an Olympian and an heir to the Jim Bean whiskey fortune. These are some of investors vying to win approval to grow medical marijuana in Ohio. The state accepted 185 applications in June and now has to decide who gets the...
  10. Ron Strider

    AZ: 4,900 Customers Using Supurb To Get Medical Marijuana Delivered

    Dinner, a ride and office supplies are a few touchpad clicks away. So, Jonathan Ghiz and Justin Schudel figured that the booming medical-marijuana market would be a natural fit for this on-demand model. When the two friends with backgrounds in technology and hospitality discovered no such...
  11. Ron Strider

    IN: Cannabidiol Registry Still A Work In Progress

    In April, Gov. Eric Holcomb signed House Bill 1148 into law. The bill established a cannabidiol (CBD oil) registry for people with treatment-resistant epilepsy. The Indiana Department of Health was charged with building the registry that was set to launch July 1. The registry requires families...
  12. Ron Strider

    Review: Uncertain Future For CBD, Washington State Changes Weed Ad Rules, And More

    Weed is becoming a more economically viable industry by the minute. Nevada raked in $3 million dollars in sales revenue over the weekend, more businesses are deciding not to include marijuana in their employee drug tests (including the Seattle Times), and West Virginian farmers are looking to...
  13. Ron Strider

    Indiana's Medical Cannabis Law Begins, But No Access Yet

    Indiana's first medical marijuana legislation went into effect last week, but some key provisions of the law have yet to be put in place, worrying parents whose children's lives just might depend on it. During the summer, Jess Hooker and her 11-year-old daughter Addi love to garden in the...
  14. Ron Strider

    Organa Brands Could Be The Biggest Cannabis Company In The Country

    Organa Brands is setting itself up to be the best and biggest nation-wide cannabis company. This multi-brand company posts top line sales of over $100 million and sells a product every nine seconds. Their busy lab creates over 1 million grams of concentrated cannabis oil a year and they buy tons...
  15. Ron Strider

    Beavercreek Property Owners File Racketeering suit Against Neighbor Growing Marijuana

    Two Beavercreek property owners are relying on a federal law usually reserved to fight organized crime to sue their neighbors, contending the people next door are engaged in racketeering by producing and selling marijuana. Rachel McCart and Erin McCart, who own about 11 acres of fenced...
  16. Ron Strider

    Representatives From Regional Hemp Steering Committee Attend European Industrial Hemp

    Regional Hemp Steering Committee executives undertook a trade mission from June 5 to 12 to the Netherlands to make contacts and raise awareness of the potential for Alberta-grown hemp. Drayton Valley-Devon MLA Mark Smith, who also took part in the trade mission, said the Regional Hemp...
  17. Ron Strider

    Some Marijuana-Derived Treatments Aim To Soothe Skittish Pets

    Along with picnics and barbecues, the Fourth of July brings a less pleasant yearly ritual for many dog lovers: worrying about a family pooch who panics at the sound of firecrackers. Betsy and Andy Firebaugh of Santa Cruz, Calif., have reason for concern. They live on a mountain ridge...
  18. Ron Strider

    Thank You To Our Renewing Sponsor VaporWarehouse

    Please join us in thanking VaporWarehouse for renewing their sponsorship! They have been and continue to be a huge asset in helping us further our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world. 420 Magazine began life 24 years ago in an endeavor to end prohibition by creating a forum...
  19. Ron Strider

    Brazen Bristol Teenager Smokes Cannabis In Front Of Police Officer And Has Epic Fail

    If the sun is shining in Bristol, you will usually notice a certain smell in the air, especially if you're hanging around parks and open spaces. The consumption of cannabis is Bristol is often noticeable, with people brazenly smoking in public, but one teenager took that a step further...
  20. Ron Strider

    PA: Cambridge Springs Nurses Educate On Medical Marijuana

    With their combined 50 years experience in the traditional medical field, it might be a bit unexpected that nurses Beverly Alward and Theresa Howles are known as the "cannabis ladies." For a time they worked together and would toss around the idea of someday starting a business. Over the...
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