100 Cannabis Plants In The Loft


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A SELF-EMPLOYED roofer was caught with more than 100 cannabis plants.
Hartlepool man Andrew Moore had 111 plants in the loft of his home in the town’s Sandringham Road after police executed a search warrant on the premises.

Teesside Crown Court heard how officers also discovered heating lamps, plant food and thermometers.

Prosecutor's said Moore told police that he had bought some cuttings from a hemp fair and had spent £180 on equipment.

The court was told that Moore smoked 10 to 14 joints a day and this was the first harvest of his cannabis farm.

Ms Connolly added that forensic experts had been unable to give a value for the plants because they had not grown big enough.

Robin Denny, mitigating, said: “There had not been a harvesting of these plants so there is no evidence of any sale to others. He has always said this was purely for himself.”

Moore, 24, from Sandringham Road, pleaded guilty to cultivating cannabis on November 9 last year.

Recorder Brian Cox sentenced Moore to 200 hours unpaid work.
“It is clear that you had invested quite a lot of effort in setting up this equipment,” he said

NEWSHAWK: Shadylady https:// www.420magazine.com/
SOURCE: Hartlepool mail
CONTACT: Hartlepool Mail
COPYRIGHT: Hartlepool Mail
WEBSITE: Hartlepool Mail
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