2 White Widow Autos - Dif Genetics?


Well-Known Member
Im growing these 2 WW fem auto seeds, both from the same place and "strain" same dirt same light same feedings, but something looks off here, the one is WAY lighter green at all new growth and has fatter leaves, either way, I liked these photos and I wanted to share.

30days from seed.

My guess is you're just seeing minor phenotype variations - the vast majority of strains available today are hybrids, often hybrids created by crossing two hybrids, so you'll probably see more variation than in an IBL (inbred line). OtOH, you should see "hybrid vigor."

Most breeders manage to get the correct seeds into the little packages. Most of the time ;) .

You'll probably enjoy the harvest from both plants. One might be a slightly heavier feeder than the other, one might grow a little differently, but my guess is that they are both (the breeder's version of) White Widow.
I agree with TS. More than likely just a variation in strain. This is not Monsanto bred corn. These guys are bred and gotten to a reasonably and some times not so reasonably stable state. before being mass marketed. I have seen drastic variations and mutation with seeds of the same type and the same order on other peoples grows. My last one I grew 6 plants. 2 of each strain 3 strains in total and they were all different in some way.
Yeah, half the seed purchases these days are freaking lotteries. I'm surprised that so many people willingly purchase one seed (of a strain) at a time. It's a coin toss as to which one they get that way.
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