4/20 on Canada's Parliament Hill

One of Canada's biggest crime sprees settled down on Parliament Hill this April 20th to a sunny afternoon of indictable smoking. Over 3,500 people packed the Hill by four o'clock and dozens more continued to stream in.

At 4:20 the thousands cheered. There were banners, beavers, guitars, friendly faces and lots to smoke.

Security was normal saying, "There's nothing going on here." There were no provocations or arrests. The weather cooperated. The rally was a mixed gender group in their mid-twenties. We Are Change Ottawa was present on the steps supporting the 9/11 truth movement, playing guitars and handing out discs..

Alan from Ottawa said, "If this was a ******* rally people wouldn't be sitting around playing guitars and blowing bubbles. Marijuana should be legal, we don't do it to be bad."

Jay also from Ottawa said, "I wish it could be legal because I always wanted to work for the government."

"If we brought sleeping bags and didn't leave it would probably be legal in three days," said Stan from Hawkesbury.

I asked people if they voted. Ron from Shawville said, "I don't vote. My individual message doesn't get anywhere in this world. It takes 4:20 on the Hill to be heard.

People started leaving about a half hour after Four-Twenty. Apparently everyone got the same idea at once and the local food courts and restaurants were soon over flowing.

It was a large smokey and friendly crowd that clearly dominated Parliament Hill on Tuesday. Their combined peaceful presence was awesome and did not go unnoticed by the many suits and laminated badges that had to negotiate their way through a crime spree, walk into Parliament and serve a nation.

With any luck they didn't miss The Nation sitting on the front lawn.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: Cannabis Culture
Author: Spanner McNeil
Contact: Cannabis Culture
Copyright: 2010 Cannabis Culture
Website: 4/20 on Canada's Parliament Hill
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