A Federal Crackdown on California?: Forum Announced

The passage of California Proposition 19 would cause a full-blown constitutional conflict with the federal government, and would be in violation of numerous international drug control treaties, the Rand Corporation reports. What the feds have done and will do becomes a subject of debate Friday in the forum 'Marijuana and Federalism: California a Test Case,' featuring Assemblyman Tom Ammiano as well as Mendocino law enforcement, medical cannabis lawyers, and other experts. Opponents of Prop. 19 claim the federal government could pull billions of dollars in funds from the state. Proponents note that the same thing was said of Proposition 215, which passed to no such repercussions, and that states often lead the way repealing unjust laws like alcohol prohibition.

From the announcement:

Friday Forum will Look at a Wide Range of Legal Implications from the Passage of Proposition 19

What: Panel discussion addressing the federal and state legal implications of the passage of California Proposition 19, the initiative to legalize marijuana.

When: 4 p.m. — 6 p.m. (check-in at 3:30), Friday, August 6, 2010 Free admission

Where: Hiram W. Johnson State Office Building, Milton Marks Auditorium, 455 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102

If a state were to legalize cannabis, as California's Proposition 19, or A.B. 2254 - the Ammiano bill - are attempting to do, what legal tools might the federal government use to block operation of such laws? This question and many others will be addressed at a forum hosted by the Voluntary Committee of Lawyers on Friday, August 6 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The event, which will be held at the Milton Marks Auditorium in the Hiram W. Johnson State Office Building, will feature a panel of experts in addressing the legal and practical issues when a state legalizes cannabis. Additional areas of law - employment law, family law, municipal law, insurance law, corrections policy - would be implicated.

The forum will be moderated by Washington State Rep. Roger Goodman and Eric Sterling, president of the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation.

Speakers include: Tom Ammiano - Assemblymember, 13th District, California; Sheriff Thomas D. Allman - Mendocino County Sheriff; Joe Elford, Esq. - chief counsel, Americans for Safe Access; Robert Hirshon, Esq. - professor of law, University of Michigan; former President, American Bar Association; Allen Hopper, Esq. - legal director, ACLU Drug Law Reform Project; Alex Kreit, Esq. - associate professor of law; director, Center for Law and Social Justice, Thomas Jefferson School of Law; Theshia Naidoo, Esq. - staff attorney, Office of Legal Affairs, Drug Policy Alliance

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: East Bay Express
Author: David Downs
Contact: East Bay Express
Copyright: 2010 East Bay Express
Website: A Federal Crackdown on California?: Forum Announced

* Thanks to free2blaze for submitting this article
I hope I am wrong... but I think it could bring a shitstorm of mega proportions. But then again it could just be all roses and daisy's!
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