Jim Finnel

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  • Rest in Peace my brother. We couldn't have done this without you, Cannabis Warrior. :love:
    Welcome back to the front lines my brother! We sure did miss you. :hug:
    This is what we were waiting for.Judge blocks part of the new mmj law in Montana
    Judge blocks parts of Mont. medical marijuana law - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee
    That is some picture there Jim. I looking forward to burning one of your Christmas trees Jim. I didn't realize you were the assistant Editor.
    Peace, or piece, if you can get it.
    Hey bro had a bit of a problem seems all my photos have disappeared from my journals and the gallery isnt showing any either hope its a server glitch as I have no way to recover them otherwise.
    Howdy sicntired. I can't judge you because I don't know or
    remember the post you mention, must be because of getting older :cool:

    Nope, I don't think I know who you are, again probably because of getting older :cool:
    :peacetwo::peacetwo:Hi Jim.You sent your profile which I found to be very cool.I had another one time editor who I got on with well,anyway,nice to see someone close to my own age.There just aren't that many of us around anymore.I think you have an idea who I am,I hope you don't judge me by my very worst post ever.I used to get ranked for mentioning other substances and I still don't get the reason.We want the end to prohibition,yes?Thanks for the intro.Don't hesitate to ask if there is anything you feel you want to know.
    Hi Jim, Just wanted to stop by, introduce myself, and say thanks for all great content you add to this site to help make it what it is. :hug:
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