Why hello to you Miss Happy Kitty, it's been a few years but I always love it when I see my old friends still hanging around. I bumped into Tortured Soul recently as well. It's kinda different here now with all the legalization that's taken place, allot more growing and barely any activism anymore but there's a few of us still in the fight
Hey you, just wanted to say thank you and that I have missed you.... I hope you are well and that life is treating you right.. You are always in my thoughts...... Smile and BE IRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
ty for the ratings in july,have not been on in sometime,forgot password just not feelin well.but got ur messages,wasnt being rude,wanted to let u no and say ty,so if u dont get a reply 4 a while,u will no y.lol.
Hey HK! Glad i could put a smile on your face, its funny the night i posted was the first time i watched it. Seriously LMFAO the whole time! thx for the reps