Appeals court rejects hearing in Nevada marijuana case


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A federal appeals court has rejected a new hearing for a group that wanted Nevadans to vote in November for a ballot question to legalize marijuana.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision Tuesday ends efforts by Nevadans to Regulate and Control Marijuana to put the issue on the November ballot. But communications director Jennifer Knight said her group already has started collecting signatures on a new marijuana petition.

Knight said her organization is trying to collect the required 51,337 signatures by a Nov. 9 deadline to force the 2005 Legislature to consider legalizing marijuana. The new petition calls for legalizing an ounce or less of marijuana for adults. Sales would occur at state licensed shops and would be taxed.

The committee's initial effort needed voter approval in November and again in 2006. It fell less than 2,000 signatures short of the number needed to automatically win a spot on the ballot.

Knight said the petition would have qualified had not a federal judge refused to allow about 2,000 signatures of newly registered voters whose registrations weren't immediately forwarded to election registrars.

The committee appealed to the 9th Circuit Court but lost on a 2-1 panel vote, and then requested a rehearing by the full court. That request was rejected Tuesday.

September 29, 2004
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