Barnes Introducing Medicinal Marijuana Bill This Week

The General

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One measure that will no doubt need a legal counsel perspective is one being drafted to legalize medicinal marijuana on Guam. Senator Tina Muna Barnes says the measure should be introduced before the end of this week after receiving feedback from the community over the past few months.

"Resolution 201 has been reported out and it has received overwhelming support for looking into medicinal uses of cannabis, medical marijuana," she explained. "We do have draft legislation right now, I've sent out letters to my colleagues asking who would like to be co-sponsors on this bill."

Senator Barnes's Resolution 201 aimed to decriminalize cannabis so that local law enforcement and corrections officers can focus more resources on the increase in violent crimes. The resolution received over 500 comments, most of which geared support toward the legalization of medicinal marijuana in which Barnes says helped facilitate the motion to introduce the actual legislation.


News Hawk - The General @ 420 MAGAZINE ®
Author: Mindy Aguon
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