Bermuda - Work Begins On Cannabis Policy Reform Paper

The General

New Member
At the request of the Minister of National Security Michael Dunkley, on 5 December, 2013, a collaborative group began meeting to produce a paper on cannabis policy reform. Members of the group include Stratton Hatfield, Dr. Ernest Peets, Kamal Worrell, Julia van Beelen, Khomeini Taalib-Din, Cordell Riley, Krystl Assan, Lamar Caines, Eron Hill, Kyle Bridgewater, and Robyn Swan. A statement from the Ministry said, "The paper will identify the benefits and consequences of reclassifying, legalizing, or decriminalizing Cannabis and investigate its medical uses.

"Through comprehensive research and public consultation, the Cannabis Reform Collaborative [CRC] aims to provide a sound basis for rational, humane action towards reforming Bermudian laws and policies. "Its members will look at cannabis and current cannabis policy from health, human rights, spiritual, cultural and economic perspectives in an effort to provide a fair and inclusive overview of policy options. "Once complete, the document and its supportive research will be presented to the Minister.

"As stated in the November Throne Speech, the Government of Bermuda called for a public debate on Cannabis and stated their intent to produce a public consultation paper. "The paper produced by the CRC will be included in the review by the Ministry of National Security and Department of National Drug Control and form part of the public consultation paper produced by Government. "Lead group members include Stratton Hatfield, Dr. Ernest Peets, Kamal Worrell, Julia van Beelen, Khomeini Taalib-Din, Cordell Riley, Krystl Assan, Lamar Caines, Eron Hill, Kyle Bridgewater, and Robyn Swan.

"The CRC members bring experience in sustainable development, law, corrections, activism, public policy, research, statistics, and drug counseling to examine the history and impact of cannabis policies. "The CRC looks forward to engaging with members of the community to develop a detailed and informative document on cannabis reform.The group will administer electronic surveys, smaller focus groups, and a town hall meeting in the beginning of 2014 to collect data and input from the community. The CRC will also announce ways for engaging the public through social media in the near future; in the interim, the public can contact the CRC lead group members via"


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