Britain - Posh school in 'dope scandal'


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A top public school has suspended 21 pupils following an investigation into cannabis use.

Ampleforth College, whose former pupils include the late Cardinal Hume, sent the boys home on Monday after drug use at the boarding school came to light.

The £20,520-a-year school, set in beautiful countryside in North Yorkshire, will offer counselling and carry out random testing on pupils once the suspension period is served.

Headteacher Father Gabriel Everitt said: "Some may regard cannabis as a soft drug, widely tolerated for recreational use by much of society. That is not the view here. It can be vastly more powerful than what was available a generation ago. Our attitude is uncompromising."

He went on to add: "We regard any form of drug taking as a very serious breach of discipline, and we are conducting a rigorous investigation into all the circumstances of this discovery."

A North Yorkshire Police spokesman said allegations had been made and the force was investigating.

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fucked up

texasbrick said:
maybe kids that young should'nt smoke pot, but i did. also the pot of old is not been proven to be so not potent as they say, actually while some pot is stronger than others,over all pot from the 70's was just as strong as pot in 2005.we may have over time culled the weaker strains over the 35 years to leave us with higher THC plants being grown more often , for known reasons, better pot better high. weed that i smoked at school years age did'nt make me a mass murderer, i turned out fine. i say let kids do what kids do and be sure they know we love and support them no matter what. smoking a bowl won't cause these boys to become herion addicts,killers,or thorns in the side of societys backside. maryjane is not illeagal because it's bad, it's bad because it's illeagal. It Does'nt harm anybody but they can't leagalize it cause they make so much money off tickets like,delivery,possession,growing,zero tolorenceing our property,assets,cars,houses. Fines from these listed things make so much money for the government they will never decriminallize pot. i justdon't know whats gonna happen....maybe another civil war? usa declared war on drugs, should we accept their invatation,i have my weapons cleaned and my clips are all fully loaded,just in case it's my house they raid. i don't want to repeat the randy weaver incident, or waco koresh.montanna freemen. 🪨 🪨 🪨 🪨 🪨 🪨 🪨 🪨 🪨
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