Calaveras Co. Establishes Amount Patients Can Possess



San Andreas, CA: On Monday, Calaveras County supervisors approved a plan, by a 3-2 vote, to allow medical marijuana patients with a doctor's recommendation to legally possess up to two pounds of marijuana and cultivate up to six plants without fear of local prosecution.

Since California's medical marijuana law passed in 1996 there has been a lingering controversy as to how much marijuana patients were allowed to legally possess and cultivate under state law because guidelines were not included in the law. To avoid this dilemma some municipalities have set their own restrictions.

"People need to have some sense of what is considered legal and illegal," said Peter Smith, Calaveras County District Attorney. "What it does is provide a buffer zone for people who can legitimately use it under the law. It gives them a sense of what they can do without getting their lives turned upside down."

The Calaveras County protocol was designed by local law enforcement officials, doctors, pharmacists and medical marijuana patients and was initially presented to the county board last month but failed by a 2-3 vote after one of the supervisors felt the 1.3 pounds initially allowed for patients to possess was too little.

For more information, please contact Dale Gieringer, State Coordinator of
California NORML at (415) 563-5858.
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