California: Livermore Council Bans Commercial Marijuana Cultivation - For Now

Robert Celt

New Member
Don't expect the aroma of reefer to overtake this city any time soon.

The City Council on Monday unanimously passed an 18-month ban on commercial marijuana cultivation, though in doing so it made clear it was open to a deeper inquiry into the issue down the line.

The ban was precipitated by recent state legislation, which turns over control of marijuana policy to the state in any city that does not have regulations on cultivation in place by March.

The deadline has driven cities across the state to pass similar ordinances in the last few months.

"This is not really about whether or not anyone wants marijuana cultivation, this is about retaining local control," said Mayor John Marchand.

The law won't affect personal cultivation for those who have state medical marijuana cards.

And though the ban is scheduled to last 18 months, the City Council indicated they could examine the issue again before then.

Unlike many of its Tri-Valley neighbors, Livermore has seen substantial support for marijuana.

Though it has an ordinance on the books against dispensaries, an unlicensed pot shop called the Tree of Life boasted a roll of 4,700 patients, before it was shuttered by police last year.

While most of the City Council did not show their hand on how they might vote on the matter in the future, Vice Mayor Laureen Turner, a nurse, identified herself as a proponent of medical cannabis.

Like her colleagues, Turner characterized the ordinance as a stopgap until the city could allocate more time to study its cannabis policy.

"There's a right way to do it, but the right way to do it is not rushing through."she said.

Public support both for and against the ordinance was tepid.

North Livermore resident Stacy Swanson said she thought commercial cultivation should be banned because of the large amount of water such operations consumed.

The most vocal opponent against the ban was Marilyn Jay, a marijuana activist from Shasta County.

Jay said the ban could potentially cause patients undo hassle, by forcing them to drive long hours to purchase cannabis.

"What would you do if you were going through chemo?" Jay said. "Would you be able to go two to three hours to get your medicine?


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: California: Livermore Council Bans Commercial Marijuana Cultivation - For Now
Author: Dan Lawton
Contact: Contra Costa Times
Photo Credit: None found
Website: Contra Costa Times
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