Canadian med pot


Growing Guru
I was asked to share the steps and process of applying for medicinal marijuana licenses to smoke and grow in Canada. First off you obtain the application from health Canada in Ottawa. It will list some of the major illnesses or physical problems that one must have, and whether or not the medicine will ease your pain and suffering. After you fill out your personal information, you will have to consult with your two doctors, first your specialist for your condition (me its my spinal cord doc) and there will be a couple pages for him to fill out. He/she must determine how much you need a day and for what, then the same goes for your family doctor. After that you must decide whether or not you want to apply to grow and if you physically can't you must designate someone to grow for you. So you and your designated grower must send in photos of your selves for the cards. You must have had no previous drug related offences. If you don't grow and are accepted you can by stuff from the government, which is usually garbage. Anyway's after all the necessary paper work is completed send it backto Health Canada in Ottawa and just wait. I got the max aloud I'm aloud to grow 25 indoor plants, prescribed 5g's a day can carry 150g anywhere and store up to 1150g dried at a time. Hopefully this was informative or at he very least interesting. Peace!!!!! :peace:
you know what, I'm not sure check with your physician. They might know or call health Canada. There would be someone there who could help you.
I'm pretty sure you are the only Canadian med pot user/grower on here, so thanks for clearing all this up for us. :smokin3:
Here you go mates:
Health Canada -
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to use medical marijuana?
Under the new regulations, those who fall into one of three categories can apply for an Authorization to Possess marijuana for medical purposes. Holders of this authorization may possess a maximum 30-day treatment supply of marijuana at any given time.

Category 1: This category is for applicants who have terminal illnesses with a prognosis of a life span of less than 12 months.

Category 2: This category is for applicants who suffer from specific symptoms associated with certain serious medical conditions, namely:

Multiple Sclerosis: severe pain and/or persistent muscle spasms
Spinal Cord Injury: severe pain and/or persistent muscle spasms
Spinal Cord Disease: severe pain and/or persistent muscle spasms
Cancer: severe pain, cachexia, anorexia, weight loss, and/or severe nausea
AIDS/HIV infection: severe pain, cachexia, anorexia, weight loss, and/or severe nausea
Severe forms of Arthritis: severe pain
Epilepsy: seizures
Category 3: This category is for applicants who have symptoms associated with a serious medical condition, other than those described in Categories 1 and 2, where among other things conventional treatments have failed to relieve symptoms of the medical condition or its treatment.
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