Can't tell male or female?

I'm not quite sure what happened, but for some reason she started smelling really rancid, like a dirty thc type aroma, mixed with liquorish. I sampled some of the lower branch bud and the taste is gnarly for some reason(potent thou), I can't figure it out, might be because im watering it too much maybe? but the crystals are formed strong around the buds, there's definitely trichnomes, and all the sudden it went from heavenly to near gnarly, any reasons behind this? I'm thinking Ive grown it too long, or maybe just too close to the light what you think?
hey there again, I am including a link to some photos of my plants that have just gone into flowering, some are good, some are not. In the first pic titled Chleopotra top #2, you can clearly see the white hairs that signify that the plant is female. I only had one male in the bunch and yanked him before I took pics, but hope that this helps you out some. Chleopotra top #2 - 420 Magazine Photo Gallery
I'm not quite sure what happened, but for some reason she started smelling really rancid, like a dirty thc type aroma, mixed with liquorish. I sampled some of the lower branch bud and the taste is gnarly for some reason(potent thou), I can't figure it out, might be because im watering it too much maybe? but the crystals are formed strong around the buds, there's definitely trichnomes, and all the sudden it went from heavenly to near gnarly, any reasons behind this? I'm thinking Ive grown it too long, or maybe just too close to the light what you think?

I wait to wait until my pots are pretty much bone dry. Then I flood the hell out of them. Every 2 or 3 days. depends on the light, heat, ect.\A photo would help. see if you can get a clear on. Could be just the plant. One of my plants changed smell 3 times in no time.
My friend that also grows came across a problem like that, she said that the plants smelled rotten and the taste was something to work through when smoking. When she harvested her plants, she found that she had a bad case of late onset root rot and that was causing the smell. Try digging up a little around the stem and see if your roots are white or if they are brown. If they are white you're good, if brown, oh no. If that isn't it, I'm not too sure what else would cause this problem.
My friend that also grows came across a problem like that, she said that the plants smelled rotten and the taste was something to work through when smoking. When she harvested her plants, she found that she had a bad case of late onset root rot and that was causing the smell. Try digging up a little around the stem and see if your roots are white or if they are brown. If they are white you're good, if brown, oh no. If that isn't it, I'm not too sure what else would cause this problem.

Well the pot that it's in is see-thru, so I'll give her a looks see, I used an old giant pretzel container baught from I believe like costco or something, the smell has mostly gone away, it's now smelling mostly like the cheese, mmm. The buds though are fairly small, I don't know if I should keep it growing if they will swell, the buds don't seem to be getting any bigger, I don't know if their supposed to get any bigger, im not sure what a reasonable yield would be from a plant like mine, I've never harvested an ounce before, I've never even owned as much as an ounce at a time, it's tempting to see the buds coming in and not want to smoke it, looks kind of like a small quarter O right now sorta.
Sorry I didn't mean to sound like im povert or somethng, just I never usually buy very large quantities at a time, for varying reasons, sometimes fear, sometimes financial, I reside in an area where the law is still for the most against it, although the local society doesn't seem to mind, I'm trying to get an idea of what I can expect from this plant, yield wise, was hoping to get a response from one of the more experienced growers here that might be able to clue me in, I want to know when I should harvest it for its best possible overall yield so I don't become disappointed if I accidentally harvest too soon. But then again maybe I should just stop trying to mentally prepare myself for it, and just let it Hit me, instead.. lol
Thank you so much though I really appreciate the kind words.
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