

New Member
i9 herd it works i herd it dosnt im kinda not sure about it but i went and bought it and i poured one packet into cranberry juice a gallon and now im drinking it but cant soem drug tests tell if im using it? and i also herd a drop of bleach in the urin for the uat will also work can someone help me out???:thanks:
Re: Certo!!!!

Certo is a short term cover up. It doesn't clean you out. Go buy some azo standard. It's for urinary tract infection wich is right were the tch is stored. Azo also makes cranberry pills. $6 for 30 pills.
i have cranberry pills and cranberry juice. all im hoping for is i pass. ive never had to pee for a job before so yeah lol

pissing is for enjoyment not employment
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