deformed plant


New Member
my plant is very strange . it sprouted ok but within 2 days there was definetly somthing wrong with it .the first feafs that came up wasnt shaped like normal,they was round and had no vs up them . i found this strange as the rest of the plants had come up brilliant with perfect mature leafs. now 3 weeks on the plant has got 4 main sprouts developing gd leafs , i dnt know if this is goin produce well or cause me problems . i realy hav no explanation 2 wat hapnd .any ideas?
A pic would help us. Yes they come up round sometimes the 1st set, then go to where they are suppose to. As you do not have an explanation neither do we without some kind of picture.
yeah would really really like to see a picture of this. im guessing its going the be the sprout roundys but sounds like something more interesting and tripped
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