
I read, with some amusement, Dr. Voth's statement that Dr. Mikuriya
"conveniently ignores the huge body of evidence suggesting problems with
marijuana use."

In 1996, Dr. Voth made a similar statement to me. In response, I asked him
to supply a list of the books and studies on marijuana that he would
recommend as the best support for his ideas. He was plainly reluctant to
supply any list of references, and it took a couple of months of me
haranguing him, but eventually he did. You can find his complete list of
recommended marijuana references at
Dr. Eric Voth's Drug References.

When he did, it quickly became apparent that he had never even read the
references he recommended himself, and some of them did not agree with him
at all.

As just two examples, he included the Consumers Union Report on Licit and
Illicit Drugs, and DEA Chief Administrative Law Judge Francis Young's ruling
on medical marijuana. As chance would have it, I already had the full text
of both of these items online before Dr. Voth even sent me the list.

The Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs recommended the
legalization of marijuana and found no reason to believe that marijuana was
a significant threat to health. You can read it at
Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs - Table of Contents .

Judge Young's ruling can be found at
Francis L. Young . Judge
Young conducted two years of research, heard evidence from both sides of the
issue, and accumulated fifteen volumes of evidence. He found that
"Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active
substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can
be safely used within a supervised routine of medical care." Judge Young
went on to state that the US Government's denial of medicinal marijuana to
sick people is "unconscionable".

If the Western Journal of Medicine is really interested in determining the
value of Dr. Voth's recommendations, try asking him for the references
behind his own statements.

Cliff Schaffer, Computer Consultant

Pubdate: Wed, 21 Nov 2001
Source: Western Journal of Medicine (US)
Copyright: 2001 WJM
Contact: wjm@ewjm.com
Details: Overload Warning
Website: Index
Author: Cliff Schaffer
Related: DrugSense Weekly, Nov. 16, 2001 #226
Bookmark: Overload Warning (Cannabis - Medicinal)
Note: This web only published letter is posted as an exception to MAP's web
only item posting policy.
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