Ease Suffering; Legalize Marijuana

Truth Seeker

New Member
New York lawmakers have an opportunity to show compassion and foresight in their upcoming legislative session by legalizing medical marijuana.

Unlike broader marijuana legalization, medical marijuana is no longer so politicized and controversial. The vast majority of New Yorkers support it because they recognize that seriously ill patients should not be forced onto the battlefield of the "war on drugs" while we wait for our lawmakers to catch up to public opinion.

Every day, thousands of sick New Yorkers are being forced to decide between taking dangerous prescription pills or breaking the law to make them feel better.

This shouldn't be the case. Medical decisions should be made between patients and their doctors. I have spoken to residents of Ithaca who have been using cannabis to treat their side effects from chemotherapy. They deserve safe access to their medicine.

Marijuana is already legal for medical purposes in 18 states and the District of Columbia. It's already too late for New York to be a national leader on this issue. However, New York should not be among the last to reform our laws and provide empathy to our patients.

I understand that some people are concerned that passing this will lead us to becoming "another California," where seemingly anyone can get a doctor's recommendation and obtain marijuana. But we should instead be looking to the other states that have passed these laws since then, and have greatly improved upon each other's mistakes, to inform our model for New York.

Other states now have model laws that allow for patients to find relief without increasing pressure on enforcement. Colorado, for example, has both provided sick patients the relief they need while generating significant revenue for the state.

With state Sen. Diane Savino, D-Staten Island, now sponsoring this bill, a champion of bipartisanship, I truly hope that the Republicans come to their senses and pass this bill this coming legislative session.

The larger lesson here is that the drug war has failed and continues to bring hardships on average Americans – including those who are severely ill. Every year, millions of dollars are spent on law enforcement and thousands of young people – disproportionately young people of color – have their futures destroyed for possession of small amounts of cannabis.

Because of that, I believe that New York should seriously consider legalizing marijuana; taxing it, and regulating it. That's also why I have directed the Ithaca Police Department to focus on other issues that will more effectively protect the public. Between dealers of hard drugs and stopping violent crime, our officers have more important things to be focusing on than low-level marijuana offenses.

In the meantime, while full legalization is still being debated, sick New Yorkers should not be caught in the war on drugs. We hope to see the same leadership Gov. Andrew Cuomo had on marijuana decriminalization show its face again on medical marijuana, where patients are counting on him.

Svante Myrick is mayor of Ithaca.


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Source: timesunion.com
Author: Svante Myrick
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Website: Ease suffering; legalize marijuana - Times Union
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