Enzymes in soil


New Member

Ther is one thing I really dont understand about Enzymes and soil cultivation and micro nutriets.

Ok, first of all I get it to the point that Enzymes are microlife, living among the roots and eat dead roots. What I do not understand is if you give Enzymes to your girls, like Senizym, will the Enzymes produce any micro nutrient? And if they do, is it enough ore should I add any more micro nutrients?

I give them extra CalMag, B-52, Super Thrive, Fish oil, Blak Jack, Root Jucie, Piranha, Voodoo J, Tarantula, Algae moalasses, and NIRVANA. Do I need to add anything more ore dose my girls get ther micro nutrients?

As NPK base, I use Advanced Hydroponics of Holland. It is not a nutrient make just for Hydro. I have use it as base nutrient in many years and never had any hydro...

Thanx for any answer
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