Eye drops

Rhoto Is The Shit!
i use Murine clear eyes they do make ur eyes to white, i can always tell if one of my friends has used em but no one else would notice.
I'm a fan of ClearEyes, but only since they're safe for contacts. I use drops to moisten my lens' more than to remove red eye... I just blame any and all red eye on my contacts.

Gotta be careful with 'em though. If you use eye drops too often then your eyes stops lubricating itself and becomes dependent on the drops to do it for them. So unless you ABSOLUTELY need to use 'em, just go 'au natural' as KP said.

You know what I think is REALLY funny? When I'm out and about and my eyes are red and it's one of the few times that I'm NOT stoned, I think nothing of it and no one comments on them. But if I'm stoned, I'm CONVINCED everyone can tell I'm stoned by how red my eyes are.... good ol' stoner paranoia LoL
narfted said:
or naphcon A, your eyes will be whiter than before you smoked

Dude i've been Rocking Naphcon A for the past 3 years and it's the best shit out in the market so put down your clear eyes and yer shitty visine Naphcon A is the greatest eye drop shit ever... Yer eyes get so white man haahha I heart it to death.
im gunna have to pick up so rohto or narcorn thanx guys
thankfully, the good Lord above blessed me with eyes of the nature which do not get red when i smoke - no matter how much i smoke or how dank it is they never get red so i never have to use drops.. i had to talk to my marine D.I. about 5-10 minutes after smokin like 2g of blueberry (cause he just showed up at my house unexpected trying to get me to come to the office ) and he never knew.
This Stuff Is The Shit Man. When You Put The Drops In, Its Like A Listarine Strip But For Your Eyes. Way Trippy If You're Stoned Off Your Ass! And It Comes In A Sweet Ass Bottle Too. :peace: :bong: :joint:
There's a friend who always puts some drops called "centilux" but I guess it's a spanish thing... apparently they sting but they work great and fast.
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