Federal Medical Marijuana Vote: Breaking Down the Numbers


New Member
At the end of June, Congress voted on the Hinchey/Rohrabacher amendment to prohibit the federal government from undermining state medical marijuana laws. If you have not yet thanked or spanked your representative for how he or she voted, now is the time.

The final total on this year's vote was 163 for and 259 against. Most Democrats voted for the amendment, while most Republicans voted against it. Here's the breakdown:

-144 Democrats voted for it, and 53 voted against it, a support rate of about 73%. This is one fewer Democratic vote than last year, but three Democratic supporters couldn’t make the vote. So Democratic support is actually up two over last year.
-18 Republicans voted for it, and 206 voted against it (a support rate of about 8%). This is three more Republican votes than last year.
-One independent voted for it, the same as last year.

Members of Congress are slowly but surely starting to recognize that their constituents demand compassion and common sense. Make sure to let them know how you feel about the issue.

NewsHawk: BluntKilla - 420Times
Source: Drug Policy Alliance
Contact: Drug Policy Alliance
Website: Drug Policy Alliance: News
Copyright: Copyright ©2006 Drug Policy Alliance

How u can let Congress know how you feel about the Drug Policy!! :peace:
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