Flagstaff, the best place to smoke on earth


New Member
Submitted for your approval (Or something) I have some stories of my smokingg experiences in Flagstaff Az.

1) Me and one of my homies Cadet Haun used to puff and drive, and we would see the strangest things ever. One day we were driving to the mall and we saw 2 dogs sitting on the side of the road, alone, with leashes. SO we go to the mall, and about 45 minutes later on the way back the dogs are still sitting there, well we stop at a red light and the dogs walk across the street, and sit on the other side. hmmm??

2) Same homie along with one of his friends from new mexico, and this chick, who ended up being a narc (different story) anyways, We are at this red light at like 3 in the morning just blazed, and we see this hooker, and this truck pulls up and the guy starts talking to her. A little while later another car pulls up behind it and honks, well my homie thinks a car is honking at him so he goes and turns left but there was a red light. But luckly there was nobody around. We laughed about that all night.

3) My favorite. I was smoking in the woods with my ex girl and her friend, we finish and start to drive home when we see this other car pull into the woods, and a puff of smoke comes out, and I look and there are these to FINE girls smoking bud, they look at us laugh and wave their pipe, so Im like "You guys want to smoke again?" and they agreed, so I slam the breaks and pull a u turn, and proceed to smoke with 4 fine girls, but sadly I got none, but hey I smoke some bomb weed.

there are more, but Im stoned, and thinking too hard. be back later with more
I was driving through Flagstaff once on my way to Pheonix/Tuscan area and I stop at a gas station and I see this black guy and this white guy behind one of those big green dumpsters. The black guy had a backpack(obviously with drugs) and they were back there for quite some time. I went inside and payed and came out and they were still there and then they popped out and were like, "yo, yo, bla,bla,bla," you know. They were like smoking some crack back there and were tweakin' out. That whole area is pretty cool!!!
Flagstaff is nice, I found a nice spot behind this warehouse place to get high, me and a friend were up there for a wile with his mom so we had some time to kill, also there was this upscale community that was up this hill from a department store, we looked around and found a nice jogging path over looking the freeway to smoke at, it was cool up until some guy on a bike road by we freaked a little because he got the jump on us but nothing bad came about it. Slowly but surely Im getting high in every town in the Arizona Ive done like 12 cities already. catch you around
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