Flaming marshmellows hurt


New Member
One saturday in december when i was about 14 years old, I spent the night at my best friend cory's house while his parents were out town. We started a small fire in the fireplace, and then went and smoke out on the porch with myself, cory, and cory's younger brother kyle who was 13. When we came inside we decided to roast marshmellows for a bit. Cory sat down in front of the fire with his marsmallow on a poker, and set it to fire in the fireplace. When he tried to blow it out to eat it, his breath wasnt strong enough to extinguish the flame, but he decided that it was a good idea to eat the marshmallow anyways. So long story short, cory ended up with blisters all around his mouth and had a time trying to explain to his parents just how he had gotten 3rd degree bruns on his lips. :joint:
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