having problems with top of buds turning brown and drying out


New Member
I want to thank you in advance for any comments or suggestion/help
I am growing out doors in garbage cans with good soil.
This actually happened last year also
my strain is Purple urkle and I also have Girlscout and Kriptonite
this is only happening with the Purple urkle


my tri's have turned from white to clear
is it time to harvest or do I have some other problem happening?

quella marrone e muffa e successo pure a me penso sia botrite io ho tagliato subito la cima infetta la settimana scorsa non so se la pianta e pronta per il raccolto guarda col microscopio i tricomi
thank you for your reply
It is not moldy
it is very dry like lack of water but I water two times a day and have good drainage for the container

thanks fuzzy duck
I did have a run in with the moth catipillars but took care of that problem earlier in the flowering stage
and they do cause the section where they were eating to turn brown
in this case it is starting at the top of the bud like it is not getting enough water and that is not the case

forse la mia pianta e stata mangiata da un animale mi sono accorto perche si sono seccate le foglie apicali ho aperto il fiore e dentro era marrone e secco mentre fuori era verde
oggi ho trovato un altra cima secca dentro mi sono accorto che appassivano 2 foglie piccole ed ho controllato non e nessun animale incomincia a marcire in mezzo ai calici mentre si ingrossano e come se soffocassero io ho le cime molto grosse e compatte penso sia questo il mio problema purtroppo non ho le fotografie
I have been doing a good inspection of the flowers and have found that the stem is turning almost white /yellow (where the worms ate) on the tops that start to die. I had moth worms but sprayed for them and they are gone but where they eat the buds (they leave little black dots of poop) the buds die and turn brown. those brown spots started to mold? not sure. Those are the branches that I am having problems with. Are your tops where you are having problems almost seem soft/mushy?
I decided to harvest any branches that were in doubt. I cut off any areas that may be having problems mushy or brown and am curing them is a different area due to that if it is mold not sure if it can transfer to other branches drying.
I am also cutting the bigger leaves and rough shaping the flowers so there will be less chance of mold.
I will try and take some photos for you if I find more spots.
I actually have 3 strains growing and some strains are more resistant to mold then others My girl scout (indica/stativa) has no problems at all with any of the above (at this point) where my Kryptonite and Purple urkle do
Please keep me posted on your progress Antonio (tonybalony)
I am also starting to (we had a few very moist days light rain) keep fans on my lady's at night to help keep the dew and moisture down off of them
hai fatto bene a tagliare la parte marrone anche a coprire va bene per la brina io ho messo anche il ventilatore va solo di giorno pure oggi ho trovato 1 fiore marrone la parte marrone era umida poi penso si secca e fa la polvere ma non ho visto tracce di animali anche se il picciolo dove sono attaccati i fiori sembra mangiato domani se riesco faccio le fotografie
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