Hemp Aid: US Considers Buying Industrial Cannabis From Ukraine To Bolster Its Economy

The General

New Member
The US Department of Agriculture is looking to boost imports of hemp seeds from Ukraine, hoping this will help the country's battered economy. However, they still do not know what it will be used for. "We are now involved in trying to figure out ways in which we might be able to use the industrial hemp seeds that are created in Ukraine in the US," Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told Bloomberg in an interview Tuesday. Ukraine is the world's fourth-biggest producer of industrial hemp seed, the term used to refer to cannabis strains cultivated for non-drug use. Unlike another, most known type of Cannabis grown for marijuana, industrial hemp lacks that same ingredient, THC, which causes physical or psychological effects and gives smoker a high.

Industrial hemp, being one of the earliest domesticated plants known, has many uses from healthy food to making paper, textiles, biodegradable plastics, construction and even fuel. Easy to cultivate, uses for industrial hemp are growing rapidly. Ukraine is currently angling for aid from the International Monetary Fund, as much as $20 billion, while it has also been struggling with months of political crisis. The Obama administration is planning to provide a $1 billion loan for the coup-imposed government of Ukraine, and is working with European allies on a broader package.


News Moderator - The General @ 420 MAGAZINE ®
Source: Rt.com
Author: RT
Contact: Contact-info
Website: Hemp Aid
Re: Hemp Aid: US Considers Buying Industrial Cannabis From Ukraine To Bolster Its Eco

Well, we created a whole new type of drinking milk in the USA from mono-cropping Almonds in California to the detriment of our nation's bee populations. Why not crush those hemp seeds from the Ukraine and pump out quarts and quarts of nutritious hemp milk? That would certainly lower the price from $4 per quart, closer to the $1 per quart where hemp milk is marginally profitable, given large amounts of supply of achenes (seeds) and cheap import prices per ton of seed. The Chinese also have a stock pile of hemp seeds to dump on the market, too. I suppose the hemp seed farmers up there in Manitoba are shaking in their boots with the thought of the Obama administration getting into the hemp seed market. They'll have to start planting something else! Maybe Poppies...just like the Mexicanos have had to do after getting disintermediated from the pot market by superior American ganja.
Re: Hemp Aid: US Considers Buying Industrial Cannabis From Ukraine To Bolster Its Eco

Interesting, how it is going now..
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