Hollow Stems

According to Cannabis Culture a Jef Tek Gro tip " Hollow stems such as these tell me that my plants were healthy and stress-free with no sign of nutrient lockup or defficiency." It was right next to a pic of hollow stems in the cloning for dummies article.
I have grown plants that were healthy, lush, emerald green and vibrant that had hollow stems.
And others in the same condition that didn't have hollow stems.
Must be a strain thing.
Yes, that is corrected. Hollow stems is a sign of a healthy plant. The holow sttems draw moisture and nutes thruout the plant from what is called cappilary action. When I take clones that is one of the things I look for, hollow stems.
Once the stem hardens and becomes a full blown branch yes but healthy young stems are hollow. Thank you for clarifying that.
rotaryphoneuser said:
Hollow when it's small still. I think it fills in as it gets old.
Ok, wierd - even my fully matured branches are hollow. And I do remember the buds I got this seed from ,and all there stems were hollow, i think its a strain thing.
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