How does temperature effect the harvest?


New Member
Helloes :) im just wondering how does the temp effect the nugget drying.. Im drying my girl in kinda warm & dark closet, it seems like the nugs would dry pretty fast. Any real harm could be caused by the temperature..? Advices Highly appreciated! :allgood: :smokin:
Keep the temp. at 65-75 degrees F, and the humidity at no more than 55%. If you dry too fast, you will preserve the chlorophyll making for a harsh and hay like final taste. All buds go through this stage when drying and the trick is to not cure too early or it will become permenant. Dry slowly to allow the chlorophyll to break down instead of being preserved. However, dry too slow in high humidity and you run the risk of mold. Keep the air moving in the drying room by using a fan. It does not need to be blowing directly on the buds it is only to avoid having the air become stagnent.

Rule of thumb is to dry until the stems snap cleanly, but sometimes for smaller homegrown buds this is too dry. Cure only when the buds no longer feel moist to the touch.
very easy to grow some mold on buds, if they arent crispy enough before you start curing in jars.

if it feels crispy when you stick in it there, and then not as crispy next day when you open it to air it out real good and dry a bit more.. then you know your doing it right =)
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