How I Pass My DTs in 24h or Less

Thank you for sharing. Many years ago my sister who was a phleboto.....(worked in the lab with blood) told me about this. I have never heard anybody else mention this and i always get a weird reaction when I suggest this. I have within the last year started to include the part about making sure you arent clear when you go in. haha guess how I stumbled upon that little fact. before then I had never tested positive and have went in just a few hours of smoking. the key is once you get yourself flushed, continue to take the b suppliment. I take 2 a day instead of the recommended 1 capsule just to be sure that I have extra in my system just in case. and with a vitamin your body just flushes out any unused vitamins. again thank you for sharing. :welldone:
No clue why I have passed all piss tests I have taken but, I take 2 , 1 a day vitamins every night before bed sonce about 1980. I have taken at least 50 DT's over the last 20 years and have never failed. I have smoked a bowl the night before and the morning of the test and never failed. Genetics or luck or vitamins or both.

25 years of DT's without ever failing a test... I believe I could smoke a couple of bowls WHILE taking the piss test and pass....

No clue why I have passed all piss tests I have taken but, I take 2 , 1 a day vitamins every night before bed sonce about 1980. I have taken at least 50 DT's over the last 20 years and have never failed. I have smoked a bowl the night before and the morning of the test and never failed. Genetics or luck or vitamins or both.

25 years of DT's without ever failing a test... I believe I could smoke a couple of bowls WHILE taking the piss test and pass....


feel blessed my friend lol
i tried this method and it worked! I forgot about a pain clinic appointment and it was 12 hours out. did this method and SUCCESS!
I was going over a few of these "pass a drug test" posts and realized I do a little more than just the vitamins. This has been my routine for 30 years and I have not failed a blood or piss test ever.

This is just part of my lifestyle, I did not start any of this with a DT in mind.

two 1 a day vitamins every night before bed.

two pots of strong coffee a day, every day. (24 cups, but in my coffee mug it makes 4, 2 mugs per pot.) Yes I drink that much coffee in the 100 degree F summers. I prefer Colorado Peaberrys Kona.

1-2 ltrs of water a day every day.

2 miles on a treadmill for the last 20 years, every day (yes I have missed a day here and there but every day for the mostpart.)

I am a semi retired truck driver and ex USAF. I get randoms at least 2x a year and have had as many as 5 in one year. When I say random I mean I don't know I have a test until I show up at work and they send me in right then and there. I freaked out for the first few years of randoms...... I kept passing tho and now it doesn't bother me at all. At my age if I do not fail one very soon I will be fully retired before I have to worry about it.

I am thinking maybe I am on a permanent flushng regimen...????

:peace: :goodluck: if you have a ut/bt or ht coming up.
Thats something I have never taken in to account before. I drink on average a gallon of tea a day everyday and in the summer I have gone through as many as 2 gallons of tea plus water. so that could have a HUGE impact
I found all the products but plant pure omega 3 instead all I found was fish flaxeed borage oil omega 3 6 9 that is one product, will this still work?
And how much water or how many bottles of water should be consumed?
Also when you say dark urine is that brown or just really yellow and does this clean you out untill you smoke again or does it just work for a couple of days? Thanks alot I have a blood test to and this was the only thing I could find for that.
I have found a method that works for me (and plenty of my friends) in less than 24 hours and wanted to share it with the 420 community! Tell me how my homebrewed method works for you!

[SIZE="+1"]My story:[/SIZE]

I was called in for a drug test around 10:00 am and they told me that the test was going to be the next day at about 2:30. I had smoked THE NIGHT BEFORE. Needless to say, I was a bit frantic. I'd never had to take a drug test before and I had no idea where to start and only 28 and a half hours to find out how to clean myself out and to do it. I consulted my friends first, asking about their methods and if they had any resources that I could use. Alot of what my friends said was stupid, things like drinking a whole glass of pickle juice... stuff I didn't feel like trying unless I had no other options. Some of it, however, made sense. One of my friends told me to 'flush' my body, in other words just drink as much as possible in the HOPES that I'd get a false negative (you were supposed to test positive but the test didn't recognize it). Sounded reasonable, but I wanted something with a little more certainty. Another one of my friends told me about 'cloaking' which was just a more extreme version of flushing (where you would not only flush but there was a something you had to do along with the flushing, usually a tablet a day that was accompanied by a food regimen). He said to buy a 'pass the test' kit online. He said that they were a bit EXPENSIVE but they'd never failed him. He gave me a few sites to look at and after seeing some expensive products, (and reading how long the cheaper ones took) I was urged to find another way... and so came a few hours of research.

After doing a lot of research on methods to pass marijuana tests (many of them were ridiculous) I found that many either took a while to work, were not consistently effective, or were crazy expensive. After looking at all the methods together (literally I had all of them up on a white board together) I came up with an idea. The cloaking kits you could buy online were expensive because the companies were trying to make money and knew some people would pay that much to pass the test. They were expensive, but they worked. The simple flushing method, drinking enough water to make you urine clear was free, but not only didn't always work, your urine was clear... giving it away that you had flushed your body. I decided to combine these two methods and ended up with a cheap and extremely consistent system that you can use every time. It has worked 100% of the time fore me and my friends.

[SIZE="+1"]My method:[/SIZE]

My method uses the flushing method but expands on it a bit. I researched some naturals that are good at detoxifying your body and found that most of them are available even at your grocery store, sold as vitamins and minerals. After doing a bit of research on each of them, I think I have found a team of elites: they are inexpensive and work very well.

STEP 1: Buy the Goods.
Here is a list of the detox agents that I buy: (either capsules or tablets)
Flax Oil
(Wild Harvested) Acai
(Plant Pure Omega-3) DHA
(Super) B-Complex

I picked all of them up at Walmart for less than $20 (and I still have plenty left in each bottle from a good year ago with tests regularly). The brand I use is Spring Valley. Hasn't failed me, doubt it will. If you buy another brand, be sure that it is quality stuff.​

STEP 2: Get you body ready to...
Consume the following amount of each:
Flax Oil - 1,200mg (I take 2 softgels at 600mg each)
Acai - 1,000mg (I take 2 softgels at 500mg each)
DHA - 200mg (I take 1 softgel)

The B-Complex is tricky (but essential). I will put up the stats of the B-Complex I use so If you use a different one, you at least have an idea of what you need.

Serving Size: 1 Tablet (but I take 5)
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) - 150mg (So I take 750mg)
Vitamin B1 (as thiamin mononitrate) - 100mg (So I take 500mg)
Vitamin B2 (as riboflavin) - 20mg (So I take 100mg)
Vitamin B3 (as niacinamide) - 25mg (So I take 125mg)
Vitamin B6 (as pyroxine hydrochloride) - 2mg (So I take 10mg)
Floic Acid - 400mcg (So I take 2,000mcg)
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) - 15mcg (So I take 75mcg)
Biotin - 3.8mcg (So I take 17mcg)
Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate) - 5mg (So I take 25mg)​

STEP 3: ...start flushing!
This is the most important part! Drink enough water so that after taking all those supplements, your urine is clear... then you have been completely flushed. But wait... didn't you just tell us that clear urine gives away tests and flushes? Yes, yes I did. But there's still step 4!​

STEP 4: Then cover your arse.
After your urine has become completely clear take some more B-Complex to make your urine appear normal. I usually take another five. After your urine is clear, STOP DRINKING SO MUCH WATER or you will just flush your cover out as well. Do not stop drinking entirely, just drink very lightly. (VERY LIGHTLY. Just had to emphasize.)​

[SIZE="+1"]Thanks For Reading![/SIZE]
Follow my steps, and you should pass your test. One of my friends passed the test with only 2 hours notice! Thanks for reading my thread and method, hopefully you all get the same great (and cheap) results my friends and I have. I'd love to hear back from anyone who tries it! I'd also love to hear other homebrew methods or any improvements on mine!

Never give your first urination of the day for a drug test!

So will any of this extreme vitamin popping affect blood pressure? I have high blood pressure & don't want to stroke out or have a heart attack.

I have an interview this week & I am almost certain they will drug test as it is for a big corp.

btw I am 5'8" 140-145 lbs with a fairly normal metabolism & take lisinopril for high blood pressure & also take gingko, b12, multivitamin for women over 50 & fish oil daily.
I smoke about 1 skinny a day.
well I can say that niacin does make the heart race a little. if you have access to a doctor ask about the risks of niacin with hbp. shouldn't do any harm as it is a vitamin but you want to be safe
Niacin does only one thing, dilates blood vessels. Thats why you get red when taking niacin. That will not help getting rid of thc metabolites in any way.
I've tried this method twice, one pass, one fail.

Fail: I smoked a few hours before and the B-complex was timed released :straightface:

Pass: Last time I smoked was around three days ago, after months and months of chronic smoking. I took x2 the supplements over the course of around 36 hours and boom, worked like a charm.

Thanks a lot for posting this method.

well let's see if this works. i'm a average guy 6' 190 lbs... picked up the stuff today just took it all.. have some home drugs tests going to put down when i start pissing clear. will let people know.
hey w01fm4n420 did you ever take the vitamins and record the timeline like you said like when you piss clear and if you pissed clean mane if so would u share your findings this seems interesting but before i go back to smokin id like to know how ur testing went
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