i need some help/ pics available (first grow)


New Member
Wat can be going on with my plant
the tips are getting dry and dying away
i dont think ist nutrient burn i havent added nutrients
6weeks into veg in ffof soil just water ph 6.5
Temp 79°
wat could it be
ive her 1/4 strength strength nutes for a w
should i bump it up?
It looks to me to be deficiencies possibly some phosphorus and potassium shortages? hopefully someone with more experience will chime in. From my experience FFOF needs supplementing later so I would definitely up the nutes if it was me.
It looks to me to be deficiencies possibly some phosphorus and potassium shortages? hopefully someone with more experience will chime in. From my experience FFOF needs supplementing later so I would definitely up the nutes if it was me.

how does one cure phosphorous or potassium deficifiency
i lookd it up and i think it could be phorsphorous deficiency
how do i cure that??
Feed more?
This one is tricky. Do the stems on your strain generally look purple? It could be just how the plants look. However this is indicative of phosphorus deficiency.

The worry I would have about feeding the plant is the clawing you have going on. This could be nitrogen toxicity.
This one is tricky. Do the stems on your strain generally look purple? It could be just how the plants look. However this is indicative of phosphorus deficiency.

The worry I would have about feeding the plant is the clawing you have going on. This could be nitrogen toxicity.

i have no idea wat strain it is its a bagseed.
How do i cure phosphorous deficiency and cure nitrogen toxicity??
Make sure your pH is not out of whack. If possible check it . 7.0 is neutral. Higher than that we'd talk about getting it down. Phosphorus absorption happens better around 6.00 6.50. Also let the plant dry out between waterings. The plant cannot absorb npk without oxygen. If you've done that top dress tablespoon 0-6-0 guano. Or water with 1/4 strength 0-6-0 guano.
Make sure your pH is not out of whack. If possible check it . 7.0 is neutral. Higher than that we'd talk about getting it down. Phosphorus absorption happens better around 6.00 6.50. Also let the plant dry out between waterings. The plant cannot absorb npk without oxygen. If you've done that top dress tablespoon 0-6-0 guano. Or water with 1/4 strength 0-6-0 guano.

my ph is 6.5
Maybe its overwatering i water every 2days
shes in a 1gal pot but i lift her b4 each watering
i was thinking of flushing out wats left in ffof soil
and starting to feed
also do u think i have root bound or rott??
You are repotting to bigger pot? Good idea.

Im not really looking to repot in bigger pot
i need to keep her small
is it true root pruning would help
if i ant to keep her in same size pot??
cuttin off 1/3 of roots?
I have a space issue
Personally I would never lift a plant out and expose the roots unless I was repotting. You may want to consider reading grow info on the blogs.
That link is great it will help answer all your questions.
Your plant appears to have 2 problems. too high of nitrogen has caused the leaves to curl. Too high of nutrients have caused a nutrient burn to your leaves. Your FoxFarm soil has high amounts of nutrients in it already. I recommend you reduce the amount of nutrients you are feeding.
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