I suck at cloning


New Member
just answer me one question why do i suck at cloning? i have like a ten percet sucsess rate if that. i just dont get it. the last two times i attempted it they all died the one befor this one i lost like 50 and only one grew root. yes i know its less than one percent.
Re: i suck at cloneing

Leave a couple nodes underground. Cloning takes patience and alot more care than vegging or flowering. Are you using soil? Cloning powder?
Here's my system. I fill dixie cups with holes in the bottom with good quality potting soil, pack it a little, then stick a pencil in to leave a hole for the clone.
Take about a 4 to 6 inch clone. Clean the lower leave off leaving a couple nodes to go underground. Use a sterilized razor blade a cut a 45 degree slice on the end, dip it in water and then into cloning powder. Then insert into dixie cup being careful not to knock the cloning powder off. Then press soil around stem. Then wetten soil and spray leaves with water.
Usually one of the biggest problems people have with clones is over watering. You want the soil just damp not soaked. And mist the leaves 3 or 4 times a day. Sometimes I will use a humidity dome, but be sure and remove the dome a couple times a day so they get air. I usually have atleast 90% sucess rate.
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