Jamaica has the most perfect grow environment but


New Member
Jamaica has the most perfect grow environment but does not have the best weed. The Dutch has a poor grow environment but has claim to some of the best weed ever developed. I am high right now and just thought of that. Does anyone know why is that? I think I do but wanted to know your opinions first.
You can grow weed anywhere, you need to know what you are doing...

Jamaica- good climate, easy growing, outside, don't need to take care of your plants as much. Not sure about the laws in that country.

Dutch - You wanna grow, you gotta know what you are doing, climate is less leniant to mistakes, you wanna grow indoors and the fact that the community also has more ressources to indoor grow and play with genes, they take what they have and play around with it so they get the sickest dankest buds in the world... Laws are different they elsewhere in the world and they live in a richer country too where you can own 3 1000wHPS and grow hydro if you feel like it.. Not sure how easy of access that kinda growing material is to a Jamacain..

What's your take U?
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