Joint, pen, paper, create!


New Member
Hello to all the members of this fantastic site :byebye:
I wanted to share this poem that I wrote shortly after medicating and perhaps let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy :grinjoint:

Once again I'm smothered in gray covered skies
Clouds that hold the desperate lies
No matter where I go
The hope in the ray of light just never shows
On my own walking down these streets
The rain begins to come down in sheets
As the drops hit my head
the lies make me feel I'm better off dead
Staring at the puddles filled with rings
My reflection shows my soul taken away by a pair of broken wings
With nothing left to give
I have no more room to allow myself to live
The trees sway back and forth with a gentle wind
Leaves fall from the weight of your deadly sins
Beautiful sorrow
Everything will end with the start of tomorrow
No more lies left to fill the gray covered skies
Just tears falling from angelic eyes
When all is gone
Hope will appear in the rays of the dawn
A lot of yourself is on the surface.Then when I thought the tone was set you shifted, "Everything will end with the start of tomorrow"
IMO- it's great work. :)

I think you'd enjoy reading Sir Lord Byron's poems. :)
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