Kaua'i Serenity Disrupted By Green Harvest

LIHU'E - Residents paying to attend a meditation retreat in serene, peaceful, tranquil, quiet, rural Kaua'i were rudely interrupted by the chuka-chuka-chuka of low-flying helicopters Wednesday.

"Yesterday was a bummer," said Dan Briggs on Thursday. His one-acre property was buzzed repeatedly by a number of different aircraft, even a Coast Guard helicopter, during another Green Harvest operation.

"They just flew too low," shaking his house at one point, he said. "I just don't understand it. It was invasive."

They don't need to fly that low, especially over his one-acre property that is all mowed grass (not the illegal kind), he said. "It's just rude."

The four Kauaians on his property for a Buddhist meditation retreat were totally shocked by the invasion, which caused a morning session to be interrupted, he said.

The helicopters were back in the afternoon, he said. "I just wish they'd fly around the property and not right over our guests. That's pretty much the worst it's ever been."

The same sentiments were heard by Sheila Heathcote, operator of the Kaua'i Air Tour Help Line.

"People are getting angry," said Heathcote, adding she has never handled as many calls from as many upset Kauaians.

"They're furious," she said.

"It's been nonstop all day long. It's been crazy."

A lady from Silver Falls Ranch in Kilauea called the help line to report the helicopters were flying so low they spooked her horses, resulting in some riders getting tossed off the horses when they bucked, Heathcote said.

Another caller, from Lawa'i Highlands near Aka Road, said she called the Kaua'i Police Department to offer information on where people are growing marijuana, but was told KPD wasn't interested in that information, said Heathcote.

Another lady, said Heathcote, on Wainiha Powerhouse Road, who uses her telephone in a home-based business, complained she was losing business because she couldn't use her phone because the helicopter noise was too severe.

Heathcote said she was advising callers to contact their state legislators.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: The Garden Island
Author: Paul C. Curtis
Copyright: 2010 The Garden Island

* Thanks to MedicalNeed for submitting this article
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