Lake County BOS Approves New Medical Marijuana Regulations

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Residents who grow medical marijuana in unincorporated Lake County will soon face new regulations.

The Lake County Board of Supervisors (BOS) approved an ordinance Tuesday to limit outdoor pot cultivation in mobile-home parks, ban growing in apartments and create parameters for marijuana processing.

BOS Chair Jeff Smith called the new set of laws a fair compromise.

"We could just say no grows in there whatsoever, but we're compromising by putting in the regulations. And we're trying to think of everyone, not just specific people," Smith said at the Lake County Courthouse.

The proposal drew opposition from four citizens who voiced their concerns to the BOS.

Upper Lake resident Paul Kolb, a medical marijuana supporter, said the regulations were "not legal. You're going to find out, and I hope you don't find out by driving this county bankrupt from lawsuits from doing illegal things."

The supervisors unanimously passed the ordinance after a nearly hour-long discussion Tuesday morning.

Under the ordinance, qualified people living in a mobile-home park with lease lots larger than 4,500 square feet could grow marijuana outdoors, provided they adhere to plant-count limitations established by existing county law.

Medical pot users living in mobile-home parks with smaller lots could still cultivate, as long as park management creates a designated garden area for them to do so.

The ordinance does not address growing inside mobile homes.

The law also prohibits marijuana cultivation on properties improved with multi-family dwellings, such as apartment buildings.

The final prong says the amount of marijuana processed at a property cannot exceed the amount allowed to be grown at that site under county law.

The new regulations take effect in 30 days, County Counsel Anita Grant said.

In other business, the BOS voted to increase the cap placed on the contract with Sheriff Frank Rivero's private attorney during the ongoing District Attorney's Office investigation into a 2008 on-duty shooting that occurred when Rivero was a deputy.

D.A. Don Anderson is close to issuing a final decision but the lawyer fees need to be addressed in the meantime, Grant said.

The supervisors approved a maximum $6,500 contract with the Fullerton-based law firm Jones & Mayer last year after a judge ordered the county to provide the sheriff with outside counsel.

The cost of Rivero's legal fees has exceeded the cap by $173.64 to date, which led some supervisors to chastise Jones & Mayer for crossing the pre-negotiated threshold.

The BOS ultimately supported expanding the contract to a maximum $8,500. Supervisors Rob Brown and Jim Comstock dissented.

Later, the supervisors learned that the South Main Street-Soda Bay Road Corridor Improvement Project reached a major milestone in the past month by receiving environmental approvals.

It is now ready to proceed to final design and right-of-way acquisition, county staff said.

The project aims to add a center turn lane, bicycle lanes, underground utilities and improved infrastructure on more than a mile of the corridor in southern Lakeport.

The estimated $15.3 million proposal could begin construction as soon as the summer of 2015, but officials need to address a nearly $3.5 million funding shortfall, staff added.

The BOS authorized Special Districts Administrator Mark Dellinger to sign a notice of completion for the Southeast System Lift Station and Force Main Project.

Highlights of the nearly two-year project in Clearlake included 4.9 miles of new pipeline and significant upgrades to pump station No. 4, Dellinger said.

Costs, which came in at just above $6 million, were funded by capital improvement reserves and ratepayer increases that supported the sale of revenue bonds, he added.

In light of Treasurer-Tax Collector Sandra Shaul's pending resignation, the BOS voted to direct Human Resources to start recruiting for a replacement to finish out Shaul's elected term, which expires in January 2015.

Once Shaul steps down, former Treasurer-Tax Collector Kay Lytton will fill the position on an interim basis until the hiring process is completed.

District 4 Supervisor Anthony Farrington presented a proclamation expressing appreciation to Phil Blair for volunteering to help remodel the facade of the main Lakeport fire station.

Farrington also read a decree commending John and Pat Norcio, former operators of the Lakeport McDonald's, for more than 25 years of service to the county.

District 3 Supervisor Denise Rushing presented a proclamation designating this as National Engineers Week.

The supervisors postponed their discussion of issues raised by the Lake County Law Enforcement Chiefs Association about the level of response required for officers to support mental-health and medical referrals.

They also delayed consideration of a proposed contract with Aramark Correctional Services, LLC for food services at the county jail and juvenile hall. The BOS will not meet again until March 5 after canceling next week's regular meeting.


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