Leaves droopy immediatly after watering

Vermiculite, perlite, coco, worm casting, lobster maine compost, happy frog.
21 days old
It could be your soil is not draining well enough and the roots are drowning. Next time ammend your soil with worm castings and perlite to provide added drainage.
Thisss exactly what
come on people!! I can't believe no one has said this... its NORMAL for that to happen, for every plant I've owned they have always dropped a little after the waters. I don't think you can really give them too much water, you can too often, but I wouldn't think at once? (w/i reason)

No worries bro, completely normal
Exactly what CustomMX6 said!!! It’s not about how much you water it’s about how often it’s normal for your plants to droop a little bit after watering especially if it perks back up within an hour or 2 you can give lots of water but wait longer periods your not gonna drown your plant over one heavy watering what ruins your plants is a lot of water over and over again
Just to let you know, its an old thread from 2007, most of those folks are long gone… but that’s cool too.
I’m aware but for the people that look up “why are my plants drooping after watering” and this pops up they’ll see the replies saying it’s nothing to worry about it was more for any new growers seeing the thread then to talk to the people in the previous replies
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