Legal Weed Sparks Debate - Why Not Allow Pot Clubs?

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
The conservative Republican introduced a provision that effectively blocked D.C. from loosening its pot laws, launching him to the center of the controversy about marijuana legalization as pot's most vocal opponent. Considered statistically insignificant by some, the state agencies that support the survey have reported, "The trend for current and lifetime marijuana use has remained stable since 2005". They plan to introduce the bill into Congress this week, according to a Monday release. This bill is a bipartisan and bicameral solution that removes barriers inhibiting medical marijuana research. Our drug policy was never meant to act as an impediment to conducting legitimate medical research.

"There are countless reports of marijuana's medicinal benefits, but patients, doctors, pharmacists, and policymakers must have more to rely on than anecdotal evidence", Griffith said.

"However, there is a lack of research evaluating the benefits and risks of marijuana as a possible medication, in large part because of federal barriers that block valuable scientific and clinical research", says Schatz's office. "It's outrageous", Blumenauer said.

The biannual poll by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment also showed the percentage of high school students indulging in marijuana in Colorado was smaller than the national average among teens. "The federal government should get out of the way to allow for this long overdue research".

"Statutory, regulatory, bureaucratic, and cultural barriers have paralyzed science and threatened the integrity of research freedom in this area", according to a Brookings Institute report issued in the fall that called on the U.S. government to end its "war on medical marijuana research". "This bill does just that by supporting research so policy decisions about the role of medical marijuana are based on science and facts instead of rhetoric", Farr stated. It also aims to reduce approval wait times for studies. Second, once researchers have been approved to conduct this research, this bill makes it easier for those researchers to obtain the marijuana they need for their studies through reforms in both production and distribution regulations.

A bipartisan group of US lawmakers has introduced legislation they say would make it easier for researchers to study the "medical effectiveness and safety" of marijuana.

A recent survey by the state of Colorado shows alcohol and tobacco use among teens is decreasing, and marijuana use among high schoolers has not changed, despite the legalization of the drug statewide.


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Full Article: Legal Weed Sparks Debate - Why Not Allow Pot Clubs?
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Website: You Don't Know Football
My guess (and hope) is that in a few (3 to 5) years Pot will be legal in all states in the US along with the Pot clubs.The administrations of all states where pot is legalized should study the Netherlands and how they manage to make the most of the pot, for the citizens along with the economical benefits apart tourism witch by itself is stunningly lucrative in Amsterdam alone.

After a long time being most unjustfully mistreated the plant will blossom along the land and there will be less nervous and much more healthy people.

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