Let's Legalize Marijuana, But Not To Bail Out Government


New Member
Lawmakers recently introduced a bill to the Pennsylvania Senate that would legalize marijuana for medical purposes.

Most PennLive.com readers spoke out very clearly in favor or against this measure.

User rc supports the legislation, saying, "Marijuana is a much safer alternative than oxycotin, and many other drugs like that."

On the other hand, HbgBountyHunter disagrees, stating, "What are you going to do when nobody shows up to work and the stores close, businesses go under and people have no money because they are off getting high?"

User synical1 took the discussion one step further by questioning how medical and recreational marijuana might be regulated once it is legalized. synical1 writes:

"I do not doubt or dispute the medical benefits. I just have a problem with our legislators attempts to tax and regulate it - as a pharmaceutical drug - in an attempt to bail-out our government.

In my opinion, if it is approved for medicinal purposes, it should be treated and regulated as a prescription drug - nothing more or less.

That being said, I would also support decriminalizing possession and recreational use. This is where the government can regulate and (sin) tax it.

However, legalizing and regulating marijuana will have it's own set of consequences. As America's number one "cash crop", with a value of more than $35 billion dollars (about 50% more value than corn), I could see farmers dumping food crops and rushing into the "pot" business.

With these actions, you have to start asking more questions like, will the USDA end up subsidizing and "assisting" marijuana farmers the way they do other food producers? Who will be allowed to grow it? Will imported pot be allowed? What about exports? Can individuals grow their own? If so, is there a limit? And, what about the (some illegal) economies that have grown out of the war against pot and other drugs? Will the DEA and Local Law Enforcement and or narcotics agencies, will they just be told to ignore pot now?

And, ultimately, who will be making all these decisions and are they qualified and/or experienced enough to understand the wants and needs of the consumers? Judging by the actions of our elected officials, I honestly don't think many of them are qualified to write an appropriate law."

News Hawk: Warbux 420 MAGAZINE
Source: pennlive.com
Author: Colette Cope
Contact: Colette Cope | PennLive.com
Copyright: 2010 pennlive.com
Website: News comments: Let's legalize marijuana, but not to bail out government | - PennLive.com
HbgBountyHunter disagrees, stating, "What are you going to do when nobody shows up to work and the stores close, businesses go under and people have no money because they are off getting high?"

the person that made this statement is a piece of work, running there stupid mouth is most likely the hardest work they do.
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