Long Beach Will Ask Voters To Approve Higher Taxes On Marijuana If Measures Pass

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
Long Beach voters now have three marijuana-related ballot measures to decide on come November.

Adding to an already lengthy statewide general election ballot, the City Council on Tuesday voted to add a tax measure that City Clerk Maria de la Luz Garcia said would help fund public safety, police officers, emergency response, homelessness and general city services should voters pass ballot measures proposed at the local and state level.

The two initiatives facing voters are: Proposition 64, a statewide initiative that would legalize recreational marijuana for those 21 and older; and a local initiative that aims to allow as many as 32 medical marijuana dispensaries throughout the city.

The city-sponsored tax measure competes with tax provisions in the local initiative, which, if approved, would repeal some taxes adopted by voters six years ago related to the sale and cultivation of recreational marijuana. The local measure would also significantly reduce voter-approved taxes on medical marijuana.

Although the local initiative includes its own tax provisions, the city anticipates a number of negative impacts, and estimates it will not generate enough revenue for implementation and enforcement costs.

Assistant Finance Director Lea Eriksen said on Tuesday that the city is anticipating an estimated $7 million shortfall in the first year should the local initiative pass. She said the city may have to redirect funds from other services or potentially dip into operating reserves to help with anticipated one-time and recurring costs.

"If the (local) ballot measure is approved by voters, it will require substantial city resources in staffing related to approving and regulating of the sanctioned businesses, closing or moving into compliance any unsanctioned businesses, and dealing with the expected increase in public health and public safety service demands," Eriksen said.

In response, the city will ask voters to impose gross receipts tax rates between 6 to 8 percent for medical marijuana dispensaries, 8 to 12 percent for nonmedical marijuana dispensaries, 6 to 8 percent for processing, distributing, transporting or testing marijuana-related products, and a square foot tax between $12 to $15 for marijuana cultivation. If approved by voters, the tax would raise approximately $13 million annually.

However, City Attorney Charles Parkin said the city tax measure would need to obtain more votes than the local initiative to become law.

In response to some residents comments that the city was being "greedy" by trying to tax more than the local initiative already proposed, 3rd District Councilwoman Suzie Price said that dealing with illegal operations is a reality the city needs to be prepared for.

"At the end of the day, when there is a medical marijuana dispensary that's not supposed to be there and it's impacting residents lives in a negative way, that's a real issue we have to deal with," she said. "It's not an issue that we can ignore, it's not an issue that we can say is silly. Every single one of us is required to do everything we can to protect the quality of life of our residents."

If voters approve the local initiative, staff members would need to immediately begin working on implementing the ordinance as it would go into effect 10 days after election results are certified by City Council, Eriksen said.


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Full Article: Long Beach Will Ask Voters To Approve Higher Taxes On Marijuana If Ballot Measures Pass
Author: Courtney Tompkins
Contact: (562) 435-1161
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Press-Telegram
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