Make Cannabis Legal To Revitalize Illinois Economy

Robert Celt

New Member
The state of Illinois collected more than $5 million in fees from more than 350 applications for only 81 licenses to become a cultivator or distributor of medical cannabis.

Rural Illinois saw a surge of interest in creating new jobs and boosting some small-town economies. The reason for this interest is to grow and distribute a plant, but not the usual ones like corn, soy or wheat.

These small towns were approached by developers, investors and local entrepreneurs to try to get a shot at growing medical cannabis for the new pilot program in Illinois. However, because of the limited amount of licenses, some of these business ventures will never get the opportunity to build these multimillion dollar facilities and offer jobs to local residents.

The solution is to legalize and regulate this plant. Let adults consume cannabis responsibly and you'll see even more investors jump on this green rush that has taken over Colorado, Washington state and others, and is gaining a foothold in places in Illinois where other businesses must shut down because of the recession.

Illinois farmers are experts at growing corn and soy. There is no reason why they should be elbowed out of this business opportunity for those who have West Coast experience of growing large-scale, high-quality cannabis operations.

The Medical Cannabis Pilot Program has offered a glimpse of what potential interest there is in bringing these investments and jobs to Illinois, but why should we stifle this opportunity when people need jobs now?

One thing to learn from this courtship of investors toward small communities is that you have to lower the barriers to entry into this market. Forcing licensees to have $500,000 in liquid assets doesn't help the small business owner get into this industry without seeking outside investments. So the better option would be to make more of these cultivation and dispensary licenses and make them more affordable to those who don't have millions of dollars already.

Also, expanding the list of qualifying medical conditions for the pilot program or just allowing adults to use this product will ensure the market demand is there. Once the product is legal for all adults there will be enough of a demand for plenty of producers to get in on the action. The combination of high barriers to entry and a highly restrictive medical program are only going to benefit a few.

Nevertheless, small communities struggling to keep Main Street alive should take note of this lifeline to create jobs and bring in businesses because there are already people growing, selling and consuming cannabis illegally, so why not bring that industry out of the shadows and revitalize our rural economies?

It is hard to imagine that cannabis will still be illegal in five or 10 years, so now is the time for Illinois to get ahead of the curve and show the rest of the country that we can produce the best cannabis, for medical or recreational purposes, in the country.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Make Cannabis Legal To Revitalize Illinois Economy
Author: Dan Linn
Contact: Journal Standard
Photo Credit: Seth Perlman
Website: Journal Standard
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