
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The federal marijuana case against Ed Rosenthal,
the self-described "Guru of Ganja," concluded Thursday as
prosecutors and the defense wrapped up their cases.

Jurors will begin deliberating Friday. Rosenthal, who could face a
life sentence if convicted, did not testify.

The case represents the latest clash between state and federal
authorities over the medical use of marijuana.

Rosenthal, 58, an author of how-to books and columns on growing
marijuana, says he was growing pot to help the sick, which is legal
under a 1996 California law.

But the federal government doesn't recognize the state law and U.S.
District Judge Charles Breyer prohibited Rosenthal and his lawyers
from making that defense to the jury.

California and seven other states - Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii,
Maine, Oregon and Washington - allow the sick to receive, possess,
grow or smoke marijuana for medical purposes without fear of state
prosecution. But the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled it is a violation of
federal drug laws for medical marijuana clubs to dispense pot.

Pubdate: Thu, 30 Jan 2003
Source: Associated Press (Wire)
Copyright: 2003 Associated Press
Note: for more information and daily updates see
<Green Aid: The Medical Marijuana Legal Defense and Education Fund>;Green Aid: The Medical Marijuana Legal Defense and Education Fund
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