Marijuana in the Valley


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n 2005, Tulare County alone confiscated over $1 billion dollars in retail value of marijuana. Now, the county is leading the way in getting 8 area counties to rid marijuana from our forests.
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Wiping out the massive amounts of marijuana plants in the Sequoia National Forest takes a substantial effort. From helicopters lifting plants, to crews on the ground, it's no easy task.

Though Tulare County has been successful in eradicating marijuana plants, county supervisors say it does not solve the problem.

Allen Ishida, District 1 Tulare Co. Supervisor says, "So when we eradicate and are successful in our county it just pushes the production to other counties in our immediate area."

Ishida says cartels move from county to county and that's the most important reason for a regional approach. He says if all counties attack the problem together, ridding the illegal plants in the San Joaquin Valley will be much more successful.

So far Tulare, Madera and Merced counties have signed an agreement to work together to battle illegal marijuana growers. Fresno County has its own federally funded program, but may soon join forces with the other counties.

Bob Waterston, Fresno Co. Supervisor, says, "We don't have a problem with going along with the resolution; whatever we could do to make things better we just don't want to put and jeopardize put in arms way the program we have now just to do another program."

County leaders say since the marijuana is often on federally-owned land, the feds should also be involved and help provide funding. Supervisor Ishida says the fight may also require more advanced equipment.

Allen Ishida says, "We need to go to a high-tech measure such as satellite, infra-red radar and because that is so expensive and it's very difficult just to do one county why don't you just fly a region."

At the end of the month, Supervisor Ishida will be traveling to Washington, D.C. to lobby to the federal government for money to help them eradicate marijuana. He expects to bring the resolutions from all 8 counties with him.

Newshawk: User - 420 Magazine
Pubdate: 5 January 2007
Author: Jessica Peres
Copyright: 2007 KFSN-TV
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